Donald Trump could retreat prices on Australia in the midst of political pressures and industry, said Democrat Joe Courtney | Australian economy

The member of the Democrating Congress, Joe Courtney, thinks that Donald Trump could retreat from some of his radical rates, saying that several American industries were one of these barracks against them to the president.
Courtney, an ardent defender of Aukus at the American Congress, called the first cycle of 25% of prices on steel and aluminum imports.
Many industries in the United States are queuing in the White House to assert that the United States will not benefit from the prices, he told Guardian Australia, although he did not name which.
It presents itself as a second cycle of American prices, which targets pharmaceutical products, agriculture and other sectors, should take effect on April 2.
Courtney said the pressure also came from financial markets and the American federal reserve to rethink the radical prices, the latter warning this week of the prejudice to the American economy.
Earlier in March, fears of an economic slowdown led to a stock market sale in the United States, with a peak of the S&P 500 of $ 4,500, which prompted the Australian market to lose $ 45 billion.
Courtney has recognized the uncertainty caused by prices and described the future decision-making and very fluid decision-making, but said that serious repercussions for the United States would undoubtedly attract a lot of pressure for the administration to change course.
I hope it will be one thing in the past, you know, if enough political pressure is exerted on the administration to retreat, said Courtney.
The steel and aluminum prices entered into force on March 12 without concessions or exemptions, unlike the first administration when the Liberal Prime Minister of the time, Malcolm Turnbull, obtained a sculpture in 2018 after nine months of difficult negotiations.
It was also despite Trump promising great consideration for a sculpture for Australia earlier this year, after a telephone call on February 11 between the American president and the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.
The Albanian government and the Australian Embassy in Washington continued to negotiate with the United States, which rejected an agreement to guarantee the supply of critical minerals in exchange for an exemption on steel prices.
On Thursday, the opposition chief Peter Dutton said that the United States would be his first visit abroad if he became Prime Minister, as australias the most important military partner describing a lot of reparation work to be done in this relationship.
Dutton also accused Kevin Rudd, Australias ambassador to the United States, of being Persona Non Grata with the Trump administration, the head of the opposition pointing historical tweets from the former Prime Minister calling Trump a traitor in the west and a problem for the world. Rudds' office then published a statement saying that the comments had been deleted and that Rudd was looking forward to working with President Trump and his team to continue to strengthen the American-Australia alliance.
The opposition marked Australias' ability to negotiate as a test for the Albanian government, while Peter Dutton said that a coalition government could have obtained the exemption.
But Courtney, who continued to denounce the prices in Washington, said that he had been impressed by the Australian governments retained by the saga.
[The Australian government is] Working very, very hard in terms of plea, which, in my opinion, is overwhelming compared to other countries, he said.
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The prices have also increased concerns in Australia regarding the reliability of the United States as an economic and security partner, and have raised questions about the future of Aukus.
There is an advance in the administration so that Australia spends more for the defense and the growing concerns of the interior of what the United States does not build enough ships to sell Virginia class submarines in Australia in the early 2030s.
Elbridge Colby, who will soon be confirmed as a defense defense assistant, said that Australia should seek to spend 3% of the GDP for the defense and previously criticized the Aukus agreement about the concerns that would leave the United States with a limited submarine capacity.
Australia spent around 2% of its GDP in defense in 2023-24, which should reach 2.33% of GDP by 2033-34.
Courtney also said the prices had a low impact on the cost of shipbuilding.
Just last week, they [the industry] See a peak in copper prices, and copper is definitely a metal that goes into the naval construction of the navy, as well as nickel, he said.
Those [spikes] Will add to the industrial basic problems in terms of external costs which are really not motivated by market forces and have no meaning.
But Courtney said it would not have a global impact on the construction rate of submarines, and exhorted Australia to keep the course with the United States in its Aukus partnership.
The underwater construction tempo increases with three submarines provided for delivery by the end of the year, he said.
The recruitment and retention efforts of the workforce are strong; And the support of the Congress, the Trump Administration and the Navy remains unshakable.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2025/mar/22/donald-trump-tariffs-australia-back-down-pressure The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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