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In the trial of Hasto Kristiento, he said that he had been threatened if Jokowi was taken from PDIP – Waspada Online

In the trial of Hasto Kristiento, he said that he had been threatened if Jokowi was taken from PDIP – Waspada Online



Jakarta, – The secretary general of the Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of the struggle (PDI), Hasto Kristiyanto, said that he had been threatened to be condemned and arrested if the Indonesian Democratic Party was linked Joko Widodo or Jokowi.

This was transmitted by Hasto when reading the objection memorandum or the exception during the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) trial on Friday 21/3).

“There is a messenger who claims to come from state representatives, who asked to resign, not to make a dismissal, or I will be buried and arrested,” said Hasto.

The pressure, he said, occurred mainly from December 4 to 15, 2024, before the dismissal of Jokowi by the PDI-P DPP, after having received a report from the honorary council of the party. Finally, on December 24, 2024 or 1 week after the dismissal of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Wrestling Managers in the afternoon, Hasto was appointed suspect.

The determination, he continued, coincided with Christmas Eve when it planned Nata mass, after almost 5 years, could not celebrate Christmas with the full family.

According to Hasto, the same pressure also occurred in other political parties, which led to the replacement of party leaders using the law as a pressure instrument.

It has also been revealed that the suspect's determination against him was also marked by a demonstration of unknown community groups, actions to install banners who attacked the party, as well as engineering prosecution to continue the validity of party leadership.

“In fact, political operations against me must use an investigation institution to direct public opinion,” he said.

In the alleged case of the survey of the corruption of the suspect of Harun Masiku and corruption, Hasto was accused of obstruction or obstruction of the investigation into the cases of corruption which led to Marn Masu as a suspect in 2019-2024.

Hasto would have hampered the investigation by ordering Aaron by the guardian of the suction house, Nur Hasan, to soak Harun's mobile phone in water after the corruption eradication commission (KPK) against members of the General Electoral Commission (KPU) for the period 2017-2022 Wahyu Setiawan.

Not only Harun Masiku's mobile phone, but Hasto would also have ordered his assistant, Kusnadi, to pour mobile phones in anticipation of the forced efforts of KPK investigators.

In addition to hindering the investigation, Hasto was also accused of lawyer Donny Tri Istiqomah; Former sentenced for my missionary around, Saeful Bahri; And Harun Masu gave a total of $ 57,350 from Singapore or equivalent to 600 million RP in Wahyu during the period 2019-2020.

The money would be given in the objective that Wahyu strives from KPU to approve the request for change of intermediary (PAW) to the legislative candidates selected in the electoral district (DAPIL) of South Sumatra (South Sumatra) I for Harun Masiku.

Thus, Hasto is threatened with criminal as regulated in article 21 and article 5 paragraph (1) Letter A or article 13 of law number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption crimes as modified and coupled with law number 20 of JOT de Jon. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the penal code. (Wool / republika / mrz / d2)




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