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Trump cancels the executive decree against the law firm after 40 million dollars promises

Trump cancels the executive decree against the law firm after 40 million dollars promises



President Donald Trump has canceled an executive decree targeting a prestigious international lawyer's office after promising to abandon diversity policies and provide free legal work of $ 40 million to support the White House initiatives.

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP is a multinational law firm whose headquarters are in New York which has many high -level customers.

The order of March 14 of Trump had dismissed federal contracts with the cabinet and suspended security authorizations for his lawyers, saying that she was undermining the American justice system.

The cabinet is now faced with a flame return of many members of the legal community, including a high -level lawyer for the Democrats, even if some lawyers said that he was facing a few other options.

Trump has published similar decrees against law firms Perkins Coie and Covington & Burling.

The White House canceled the order Thursday after a meeting between Trump and Brad Karp, president of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Garrison and Wharton.

In an article on Truth Social, the president said that the firm had accepted a series of concessions, including the promise to provide “the equivalent of $ 40 million in Pro Bono legal services during the mandate of President Trump to support the administration's initiatives”.

He added that Paul Weiss would commit to hiring and promotion “based on merit”, and “would not adopt, would not use or pursue dei policies”.

The order of Trump last week had canceled contracts with the companies citing the order of Trump to eliminate all initiatives aimed at diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the federal government.

The social post of truth also included a declaration by Mr. Karp, who said: “We are satisfied that the president agreed to withdraw the decree concerning Paul, Weiss. We are impatiently awaiting a fiancée and constructive relationship with the president and his administration.”

Many in the legal community expressed their indignation at the agreement, what a lawyer said was a “sad day for the legal industry”.

Marc Elias, a former partner of Perkins Coie and a great lawyer for the Democrats, assaulted the agreement in an article on the Bluesky social media platform.

“Paul Weiss, did not just fold a knee, it established a new standard for shameful capitulation,” he wrote. “It is a task on the company, each of its partners and the whole legal profession.”

Shortly after Trump made this announcement, Rachel Cohen, partner of the Legal Cabinet of Skadden ARPS, resigned in an email on the scale of the company which condemned the agreement.

“Please consider this email my opinion of two weeks, revocable if the company offers a satisfactory response at the moment,” she wrote. Cohen had asked Skadden to connect to a brief support another company that continued the Trump administration.

She had helped organize the open letter criticizing the Trump administration for trying to “intimidate business law firms in relation to any representation that calls into question the objectives of the administration”. More than 300 partners have anonymously signed the letter since it was put online about a week ago, Politico reported.

In an internal email to his lawyers, Mr. Karp defended the agreement, claiming that he was in accordance with the principles of the cabinet, including a commitment to remain politically independent, Reuters reported.

The firm has brought in more than $ 2 billion in annual income in 2023 and employed more than 1,000 lawyers, according to American Lawyer Magazine. The revocation of its security authorization, which allows its lawyers to see sensitive information, could have created obstacles to its work with its many business, security and Wall Street customers.

In the original decree, Trump had accused the cabinet of playing “a disproportionate role in undermining the judicial process and in the destruction of the American principles of the foundation”.

He had cited “a partner of Paul Weiss” who had filed a pro bono complaint against the authors of the riots of January 6, 2021 in the Capitol. Trump released all and forgiven many of those known as “J6ers”.

He also took the goal of Mark Pomerantz – a former partner who had worked with the Manhattan district prosecutor on the case involving money payments to the adult actress Stormy Daniels. Trump was sentenced by a jury last year for committing a crime in the case.

The order also alleged that the cabinet “discriminated against its own employees on the basis of the race and other categories prohibited by civil rights laws”.

The law firm Perkins Coie continued in court for the same order.




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