It is suspected that the guilty of the rural car blocked, Astra Otoparts (Auto) can be condemned!

JAKARTA, Mi – President Director of PT Kiat Innovation Indonesia (KII), H Sukiyat continued a subsidiary PT Astra Otopart TBK. (AUTO) Regarding the default value of rural vehicles or rural versatile mechanical devices (AMMDES).
Civil trial against the grandson of PT Astra International TBK. It was registered at the North Jakarta district court with the case number 110 / PDT.G / 2025 / PN JKT.UTR.
In the case search information system (SIPP) H Sukiyat, appointing Ha Bashar's lawyer. While PT Astra Otoparts (co-defender) and two of his business children, namely PT Valesto Indonesia (defendant I) and PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa (defendant II).
The Perdaba case session took place on Monday (3/3/2025) at the North Jakarta district court. During the hearing, the applicant was present by his legal advisor, Ha Bashar. While the defendant was not present at the trial. The judge postponed the trial until March 24, 2025.
The trial was filed because H. Sukiyat considered that he was deceived by the grandson of the PT Astra International company. That PT Astra Otoparts, through two of its subsidiaries, PT Velato Indonesia and PT Ardenddi Jaya Sentosa had previously formed a joint venture with PT Kiat innovation Indonesia.
One acts as a producer, while another is a distributor. PT Kiat Mahesa Wintor Indonesia (KMWI) as designer, engineer and manufacturer of MAGDS.
While PT Kiat Mahesa Wintor Distributor (KMWD) as a business that markets, sells, distributes its spare parts and provides versatile mechanical devices. At that time, the initial investment plan to make rural cars or AMMDES was RP300 billion.
The actions belonging to PT Kiat Innovation Indonesia against PT Kiat Mahesa Wintor, the Dzaki distributor, were RP. While PT Velato Indonesia has 4,965 shares with a value of 4,965,000,000 RP.
At the end of September, on September 14, 2018, PT Kiat innovation Indonesia intended to publish the actions held in the distributor PT Kiat Mahesa Wintor.
Initially, PT Kiat Innovation Indonesia required a return on shares as well as the rights of the initiator of RP350 billion. In addition, it was promised to RP. But there was an agreement to return the share of RP33 billion. Likewise for PT Kiat Mahesa Wintor Indonesia (KMWI), the agreement is of RP33 billion.
While the declaration and proxy made and / or prepared by PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa written in January 2019, while the date is still not fulfilled.
In fact, PT Kiat innovation Indonesia with good faith signed the declaration and power. Then, PT Kiat innovation Indonesia received only a copy (copy) of a declaration and a power which had not been signed by the director of PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa.
At that time, the PT Ardenddi Jaya Sentosa promised to immediately provide a copy signed by the director of PT Ardenddi Jaya Sentosa, so that PT Kiat Innovation Indonesia fully believed.
Then on January 29, 2019, the PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa presented compensation or the purchase price of shares at PT Kiat Innovation Indonesia for a billion RP3.
After waiting for a long time, it turns out that the ERENDDI JAYA Sentosa did not submit the shortage of 30 billion rupees.
While for PT Velato Indonesia for cooperation at PT Kiat Mahesa Wintor Indonesia submitted its obligations of 30 billion rupees and the billions of RP3 remaining from an RP33 billion agreement.
Thus, the remaining total obligation of the two subsidiaries of PT Astra Otoparts was 33 billion RP. Pt Ardendi Jaya Sentosa amounted to 30 billion RP and PT Vellasto Indonesia amounting to 3 billion RP.
If the civil legal process is on site, H Sukiyat is advisable to take criminal legal channels.
An expert in criminal law from the University of Trisakti (USAKTI) Abdul Fickar Hadjar stressed that the defect in general cannot be condemned, only can be classified as criminal acts in certain cases.
He explained that the default value could turn into a criminal offense if it responds to the elements of the use of deception, a series of lies, false names and false conditions.
“The default value cannot be transferred to the criminal as long as the agreement is linked. Unless there is an element of fraud, for example promised to be replaced by” goods x2 “and submitted by saying” x2 article “even if it turns out that the article” X3 article “is fraud. Well, here, there is only one criminal”, Abdul Fickar Hadjar said (3/21/2025).
It may also refer to article 378 of the penal code regulates fraud. And article 379a of the penal code regulates criminal flight acts with the intention of controlling goods without paying all.
It is important to know that in practice, defects often become the field of criminal law based on the diversion of the article or fraud. Evaluating the default value can be classified as a criminal must be considered at the time of the reasons preceding the agreement and when the agreement and whether the agreement is based on bad or not intentions.
Criminal law experts from Bung Karno (UBK) Hudi Yusuf have also agreed if H Sukiyat took criminal legal canals.
“Sukiyat should simply take the criminal path, because the civil road is quite long and long in search of a lawyer specializing in criminal,” said Hudi in Monitrindononesia.com.
Hudi also regretted that Astra Otoparts Astra International Filial-Class of companies did not have good faith with entrepreneurs or ordinary and disabled disabilities such as H Sukiyat who were as honest as they were.
“Small entrepreneurs are relatively more honest and as they are so that they are often used by large entrepreneurs who ultimately lead to losses of small entrepreneurs,” said Hudi.
Hudi fears that civil prosecution will be granted due to many weaknesses, many cases of large entrepreneurs who deceive small entrepreneurs because of their too innoce
“It is better to suffer a loss of a loss of businessman, looking for other partners who suffer the same fate as the victims of great entrepreneurs to fight together to ask for justice in a civil and criminal way,” said Hudi, who is also a defender of the Judicial Bureau (JLO).
Then Hudi suggested that Sukiyat is looking for the best lawyer and criminal expert to face the big businessman, if he took a criminal path. “The criminal decision beat the civil decision so that the great entrepreneur can fulfill the obligations towards Sukiyat,” said Hudi Yusuf.
Until this news was published, PT Astra Otoparts Corporate Communications Wulan Setiyawati Hermawan, had not yet responded to the confirmation of monitorindonesia.com.
Astra otoparts h sukiyat esemka
Sources 2/ https://monitorindonesia.com/hukum/read/2025/03/605122/diduga-biang-kerok-mangkraknya-mobil-pedesaan-astra-otoparts-auto-bisa-dipidana The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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