Trump says he has not signed the proclamation invoking a law on extraterrestrial enemies

Friday, President Donald Trump minimized his involvement in the invocation of the law on extraterrestrial enemies of 1798 to expel the Venezuelan migrants, affirming for the first time that he had not signed the proclamation, even though he was standing near his administrations.
I don't know when he was signed, because I didn’t have signed it, Trump told journalists before leaving the White House on Friday evening.
The president made his comments when he was asked to answer Friday James Boasbergs before the court that the proclamation was signed in the darkness of the night and that the migrants were precipitated in planes.
We want to get out of the criminals of our country, number one, and I don't know when it was signed, because I haven't signed it, said Trump. Other people manipulated him, but (secretary of state) Marco Rubio did an excellent job and he wanted to take them out and we accept this. We want to get out of the criminals of our country.
The proclamation invoking the law on extraterrestrial enemies appears in the federal register with Trumps signing at the bottom.
A few hours after the president did his comments on Friday, the White House said Trump was not talking about whether he had signed the document last week.
President Trump obviously referred to the original law of extraterrestrial enemies which was recommended in 1798, said a white house statement. The recent decree was personally signed by President Trump invoking the Extraterrestrial Enemies Act which designated Tren of Aragua as a foreign terrorist organization in order to apprehend and expel these heinous criminals.
However, it prevail over the assertion that other people have managed it and its specific quotation from Rubio, is in contradiction with this declaration of the White House.
Trump raised the name of Rubios without encouraging journalists. When we then asked him a hypothetical question as to if he would send another expulsion flight to El Salvador tonight in the middle of the current dispute, Trump said that it would be in Rubio.
I would say that the Secretary of State, I manage it, because I am not really involved, but the concept of bringing out bad people, rapists, drug traffickers, all, they are really bad people in our country. I ran on it. I won about it, Trump said.
During a hearing earlier Friday, Boasberg promised to know if the Trump administration officials violated his orders temporarily blocking the use of the extraterrestrial enemies law for deportations by refusing to shoot two flights last weekend.
I will arrive at the bottom of the violation of my order which ordered this and what will be the consequences, said Boasberg towards the end of the hearing of one hour to find out if he should lift the pair of orders he delivered last Saturday.
Boasberg, appointed by former president Barack Obama, seemed exasperated on the way in which the Ministry of Justice treated the rapid case, opening the hearing by tearing the tone that the administration had taken in some of its judicial files.
He told the MJ lawyer in Drew Ensign that the government had used an untimely and disrespectful language that Hea had never seen from the United States when he pushed various legal arguments before him earlier this week, including the suggestion that his bench orders had last Saturday that was issued shortly after these procedures.
A large part of the sales hearing has focused on the arguments of the Ministry of Justice to explain why Boasberg should raise its ordinances to stop, for the moment, prevailing on the use of the 18th century law to quickly expel certain migrants that the United States has accused of being affiliated with the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua. The administration argues that Boasberg has exceeded its authority to block the moves because, they say, prevails over the use of the law is invisible by the federal courts.
This story has been updated with additional details.
CNNS Devan Cole contributed to this report.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/21/politics/trump-signature-alien-enemies-act-proclamation/index.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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