Erdogan Turkish says that he “will not give in” in the midst of demonstrations – MyrePublica – The New York Times Partner, Latest news from Nepal in English, Latest press articles

On Friday, Turkish riot police clashed with demonstrators protesting the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul, which is a political rival of President Rece Tayyip Erdogan, reported Deutsche Welle.
On Wednesday, the mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoglu, was arrested during a raid early in the morning on his residence for alleged ties with corruption and terror. The arrest of Imamoglu took place a few days before his appointment planned as a presidential candidate for the People's Party of the Republican Opposition (CHP), according to DW.
Ribbed agents have pulled rubber bullets and a pepper spray on demonstrators in Istanbul, while the members of the crowd launched light rockets. In the west city of Izmir, the police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the demonstrators.
His supporters say that arrest was a politically motivated attempt to withdraw a popular challenger more than two decades of Erdogan rule. The presidential elections in Türkiye are planned for 2028, but Erdogan will only be able to run again if a constitutional amendment is adopted or if the first elections are called.
“I invite tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions to demonstrate peacefully, express our democratic reaction and exercise our constitutional rights,” Ozgur Ozel said on Friday.
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Thousands of people protested in Turkish cities since the arrest of Imamoglu. In Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, clashes broke out between the police and the demonstrators. In response, the authorities announced a five -day ban on demonstrations, the German media reported.
“For those who say that calling people in the streets is irresponsible, I say this: we are not those who fill these streets and squares. It is your anarchy and your injustices that brought people out,” said Ozel, head of the opposition.
The Turkish media, including the newspaper Cumhuriyet, reported that the police started to question the Imamoglu on Friday afternoon. He can be detained without accusation up to four days.
On Friday, President Erdogan declared in a speech that the authorities “would not allow public order to be damaged” and promised not to “yield to vandalism or street terrorism”.
Imamoglu's arrest is part of a month's repression on the opposition of Turkey.
According to prosecutors, Imamoglu is accused of having abused its financial gain position.
In another investigation, Imamoglu is accused of helping the Kurdistan workers' party (PKK), considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and other countries, allegedly forming an alliance with Kurdish groups for the municipal elections of Istanbul.
Other arrests have also been made, including two mayors in the Istanbul district.
The Turkish government has rejected the allegations of legal proceedings with political motivation against the opposition, insisting rather on the fact that the courts operate independently.
However, Amnesty International said that the arrest of Imamoglu has marked an escalation in an in progress attack against the rivals of Erdogan, said DW
“While the armament of anti -terrorist allegations to hold and pursue opponents is not new, these latest associated detention and restrictions represent an alarming intensification of the targeting of real or perceived criticisms,” said Dinushika Dissanayake, deputy director of Amnesty for Europe, according to the Berlin media.
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