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Trump floats by sending “thugs” to Tesla to serve 20 -year -old prison sentences in Salvador: “ So beautiful conditions ''

Trump floats by sending “thugs” to Tesla to serve 20 -year -old prison sentences in Salvador: “ So beautiful conditions ''



Washington – President Trump suggested on Friday that three Americans struck federal accusations for allegedly vandalized Tesla vehicles and stations should serve 20 -year -old prison sentences alongside Venezuelan gangs in a notorious prison in El Salvador.

“I can't wait to see the sick terrorist thugs undergo 20 years of prison sentences for what they do in Elon Musk and Tesla,” wrote Trump on Truth Social.

“Perhaps they could serve them in the prisons of El Salvador, which have become so recently famous for such beautiful conditions!”

Trump on Friday, teased by sending Tesla Vandals to Salvador. Reuters

Tesla, led by Trump's right -hand man, Elon Musk, has been the subject of a series of guerrilla attacks, because the figurehead of the Ministry of Effectiveness of the Government triggered politicians by upsetting the federal government.

The attacks range from Tesla vehicles in the process of being set up and drawn, while the charging stations have also been burnt down with Molotov cocktails.

Musk's criticisms dispute with him not to be elected, but playing a massive role by advising Trump and federal agencies on expense reduction – including payroll.

On Thursday, the Attorney General Pam Bondi called on attacks against the vehicles and Tesla facilities “domestic terrorism” and said that three people risked up to 20 years in prison for targeting the automaker with firearms and homemade fire bombs.

Whether it is a warning: if you join this wave of inner terrorism against the properties of Tesla, the Ministry of Justice will put you behind bars, said Bondi.

The Attorney General Pam Bondi said the attackers engaged in “domestic terrorism”. The AP cybertrucks were graffitated at the Tesla dealership in Lynwood, Washington. SWNS

Adam Matthew Lansky, 41, would have brought eight Molotov cocktails and an AR-15 to a Tesla dealer in Salem, Oregon.

Lucy Grace Nelson, 40, is accused of malicious destruction of goods after having pretended to try to light Tesla vehicles on fire and spray “Nazi cars” in Loveland, Colo.

In South Carolina, Daniel Clarke -Pounder is accused of having written F Trump and living Ukraine on vehicles before lighting them – and himself – with Molotov cocktails.

Although Bondi called “domestic terrorism” attacks, no accusation of this type was made in any of the three cases.

Five Tesla cars were burnt down and fired in a criminal fire attack in a Tesla service center in Las Vegas, Nevada, early in the morning on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, police announced. Hal Sparks via Storyful in the Sodo district in Seattle, demonstrators were seen destroying a Tesla with a pickaxe on March 10, 2025. Jonathan Choe / SWNS

Shortly after Trump took office, the United States has entered into an agreement of $ 6 million with the Salvador government to accommodate expelled migrant gang members.

The migrants, who, according to the Trump administration, were members of the vicious group Tren of Aragua Underworld, were gathered and expelled last weekend under the Act respecting extraterrestrial enemies and sent to the Center for Terrorism Conindance, about an hour south-east of the capital, San Salvador.

The prison has developed a reputation for hideous conditions and overcrowding, prisoners are sometimes confined 24 hours a day and have received a minimum of food.

Trump has repeatedly provided Musk support in recent weeks, even buying a Tesla during a white house ceremony on March 11.

Would catch you, “Trump addressed to the Vandals at the time,” and you will go through hell. »»




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