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American investors in Bytedance explore the Tiktok agreement to appease Donald Trump

American investors in Bytedance explore the Tiktok agreement to appease Donald Trump



The biggest American investors of the owner of Tiktoks bytedance explore an agreement alongside the Oracle software giant designed to ensure President Donald Trump that the viral video application is free from Chinese control.

As part of the plan, existing donors, notably General Atlantic, Susquehanna, KKR and COATUE, will seek to acquire additional issues in a US Tiktok company filed, according to several people familiar with the talks. Oracle would also potentially take a small participation in the company and secure data from American applications.

These financial institutions would seek to buy Chinese investors from the Tiktok US company, said one of the people.

However, Bytedance would seek to maintain participation in US ARM applications, said another person, adding that the exact structure of the agreement remains fluid and other investors could also be brought.

The discussions come as Tiktok faces a deadline of April 5 for a federal law which prohibits application in the country unless its Beijing owner sells the American arm to non -Chinese entities.

The legislation, which was introduced by the congress for national security problems, initially entered into force in January, forcing the application to become temporarily dark for its American users of 170 million.

However, the applications service quickly returned after Trump signed an executive decree extending the deadline for an agreement to be concluded by 75 days, and said it wanted the United States to have a 50% property position in a joint venture.

Bytedance strongly prefers the structure of the agreement centered on Oracle than others circulating, according to a person familiar with the question. Tiktok refused to comment.

Since Trump extended the deadline on the ban, the White House played the unusual role of acting as an intermediary on any potential agreement, inviting groups to submit potential offers for Tiktok US.

Last week, Trump said that his administration was now in discussion with four different groups that were potential buyers.

Any agreement would require Trump's approval, as well as Byédance and the Chinese government, which previously threatened to block any agreement but has since softened its position.

Oracle, co -founded by Trump Ally Larry Ellison, has become a leading pretender, said several people knowing the issue. The software group has already concluded an agreement with Tiktok in 2020, known as the Texas Project, to store personal data from American users in its Cloud servers based in the United States.

Under a transaction proposal with American investors, Oracle would provide security insurance that Tiktok user data was safe. He could then allow Bytedance to continue managing his highly sought -after algorithm, which was a key demand from the Chinese government.

American investors are ready to increase their investment and support the Oracle Bid in order to protect their economic interests, people said. In January, Bill Ford, head of General Atlantic and member of the board of directors of Bydance, said that he had the feeling of optimism that an agreement would be concluded.

However, the complete structure of property remains uncertain, such as the question of whether Bytedance would continue to have access to the profits of Tiktoks, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

Tiktok previously said that 60% of Bytedance shares belong to Global Investors, while 20% belong to employees and an additional 20% by its founder Zhang Yiming.

Oracle and Susquehanna did not immediately respond to a request for comments. General Atlantic, KKR and COATUE refused to comment.

Among the other public bidders are Frank McCourt, an American media and sports businessman, and the co-founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian, who created an investor consortium who would bid for Tiktok through his non-profit entity, Project Liberty.

Another offer was submitted to the White House to the CEO of the Omnivest Financial Reid Rasner wealth management company. The Wyoming billionaire told Financial Times that he had obtained nearly $ 50 billion in mild commitments from US investment capital companies to acquire the US application in full.

Many politicians and US security leaders believe that the Chinese government could use it to access the personal information of millions of American citizens, facilitate espionage and handle the application algorithm to spread propaganda. Tiktok denies that Beijing has control over the application.

Vice-president JD Vance last week said that he expected a high-level agreement by the date of April 5 on an agreement that satisfies our national security problems, allows there to be a separate American company.

By Hannah Murphy in San Francisco, Ivan Levingston in Zurich, Zijing Wu in Hong Kong, Harriet Agnew in London, James Fontanella-Khan and Antoine Gara in New York, and Alex Rogers in Washington DC.

Additional report by Ryan McMoror in Beijing, George Hammond and Rafe Uddin in San Francisco and Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington DC.




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