School districts in the FM region weigh on the order of Trump to dismantle the Ministry of Education – Inforum
Fargo leaders of local school districts indicate that it is too early to say how their students could be affected by big changes in the United States Ministry of Education, but they pay attention.
President Donald Trump signed a decree Thursday, March 20, aimed at dismantling the department and keeping a long -standing campaign promise for the Conservatives, Reuters reported.
During a white house ceremony, Trump said that order “would begin to eliminate” the ministry; However, the fence fully requires an act of congress.
“We are going to return to studies, very simply, in the United States where it belongs,” said Trump.
Last week, the Department of Education announced that it would dismiss almost half of its staff, Trump's last stage to reduce the federal government.
Heather Leas, director of public relations in West Fargo public schools, said the districts cannot define potential impacts at the moment because many stages would be necessary for the closure of the US Ministry of Education.
I can say that the number of staff members in the DOE has no direct impact on operations at WFPS, Leas said in a press release.
Annmarie Campbell, director of communications for Fargo public schools, said the district will wait for state information and advice.
The Fargo district is currently not in session, towards the end of a week's break week.
In public schools in the Moorhead region, district leaders will arise closely to developments concerning the potential closure of the DOE.
Brenda Richman, executive director of public relations, said that although she is too early to determine the specific impacts, the District is committed to working with national and local partners to adapt to the need.
Our absolute priority continues to provide high -quality education that meets the various needs of our students, regardless of changes in the federal administration, Richman said in a statement.
With his decree, Trump said that he wanted the American education secretary Linda McMahon to get away from a job.
The order seeks to reduce the department to basic functions such as the administration of student loans, Pell grants and resources for children with special needs.
“We are going to stop and stop it as quickly as possible,” said Trump.
Although the Republicans control the two chambers of the Congress, democratic support would be necessary to carry out the 60 votes in the Senate for such a bill adopts, Reuters reported.
McMahon said that the department closed does not mean cutting the funds of those who depend on them.
We will continue to support students from kindergarten to the 12th year, students with special needs, students of borrowers and others who count on essential programs, she said in a White House statement.
In February, it was announced that the superintendent of the Northern Dakota public instruction, Kirsten Baesler, was nominated to be assistant to the US Secretary for Education McMahon.
Baesler was elected to her fourth term as a state -owner last November.
His next vacancy should be filled with a Governor Kelly Armstrong meeting.
Huebner is a veteran of over 35 years of broadcasting and printing journalism in Fargo-Moorhead.
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