Swiss fighter planes catch Xi Jinping

Sunk in the sky: two Swiss fighter planes catch the pilot of the Chinese sovereign XI and he gets angry
The Air Force Swiss controls a Chinese state plane and does not know who is there. This gives a fairly important diplomatic Rger with China.
The incident which has become a place of state had to start about WNNEWIL-FLAMATT, at least high in the night sky Bert Bundesbern.
The data from the Flighttradar24 flight track show at 0.27 a.m. local time on November 22, 2024: the Boeing 747 of the China Air started in Casablanca is in traveling flight on 30,000 feet when it is placed a little.
It was the moment when two fi / A-18 fighter planes of the Swiss Air Force suddenly appeared next to the Chinese plane. The Luftwaffe has escorted the Chinese jet, a source arrives. However, it was not the taste of the Chinese.

In Casablanca with Pomp of the Crown Prince Moulay Hassan and the Moroccan Prime Minister, XI was welcomed during a short visit to the airport. The trip continues in China, among others, through Swiss airspace. In the background of the jet that the Swiss Air Force collapsed.
Because according to sources, the 71 -year -old Chinese sovereign Xi Jinping was personal in the machine. The president of the state and the entourage were on the RCK trip from the G20 summit to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
The fact that the flight route was made on Switzerland was due to a technical stop that XI in Casablanca in Morocco. The Chinese head of state was received with Pomp on the aerodrome. The red carpet was deployed, an honorary goalkeeper was a trellis, the crown prince Moulay Hassan and the Prime Minister showed him the honor, as the photos show. The Knig had its worst grass.
The Chinese will have found the reception all the more frosting, which was given to him for hours at the age of Switzerland: through the two fighter planes, which appeared on both sides of the Boeing state of a night sky gain. Especially since the trip was properly recorded and approved by the Federal Office for Civil Aviation (BAZL). He had therefore received diplomatic authorization if called.
Shut the Chinese state aircraft from Casablanca to China. There was an incident on Switzerland: the jet was checked and escorted by the Swiss Air Force. As a result, China has failed, it seems.
Air Force: Normal Live Mission
The Air Force Swiss spent the incident in Switzerland this weekend, at least its first phase. The spokesperson Nadine Schrder says: it is correct that the Air Force checked a Chinese plane that night. This was done in the context of a normal live mission, because the Air Force was carried out on average 200 times in Brigen, which is perceived by the respective Air Force in the world.
The spokesperson continued the plane, a Bazl diplomatic authorization, the trip was recorded and approved. It was therefore a routine control to a sample that the Air Force continues to lead. These are its standard tasks, emphasizes the Schrder spokesperson.
According to this, the Air Force decided to undergo the Chinese state plane of a sample and see if the information stored in the flight permit was correct. To be prepared, if the type of aircraft reported and the license plate with the vehicle, which flew over the country. The two F / A-18 combat aircraft increased to Payerne.
Bewer Fhrer XI came in Merz'sche traffic control
The Air Force spokesperson explains the procedure as follows: in the sense of traffic control, the air force of the Air Force, if it was the plane, that it was recorded.
The Air Force manages the controls in any case of which is in the machines. Because: the Air Force does not care about the lists of passengers, so she did not know who was on the plane, explains the spokesperson Schrder.
The case was checked for the Air Force after the use of fighter planes F / A-18. The spokesperson: If this burial had consequences then had consequences.
The Chinese was able to eat Chinese for the air force.
Because, according to Switzerland, the theater has really started.
Chinvant Live modes on granite to the Air Force boss
The boss of the Air Force, Peter Merz, called the intermediary of Gutsststrger AD of the Chinese Embassy in Bern, Mao Jun to complain about the normal use of control, which had been sleeping of the night of the explanatory Fhrer XI. Above all, the Chinese were tamponized that they were not informed of the inspection, according to Bern.
The chief of the Air Force Merz would have cleaned the Chinese diplomats: which can call him at all. It was a decent use of the Swiss Air Force, and the Chinese none of the Swiss Airs were nothing of the time (a representation which denied the army later, see the conclusion of the text).
Now, however, you say to yourself in Bundesbern, you have only become really stinking in China. It is only then that the Chinese have become uncomfortable, it is said.
They have apparently demanded excuses on a high Swiss side. But the Minister of Defense Viola Amherd, Federal President 2024, did not want to kneel before Beijing. The Chinese also received no excuse from the current federal president Karin Keller-Sutter.
Diplomats from the dissemination of blackcurrants from Ignazio must spend a lot of energy and several ratios to the letter of projections in order to improve the Chinese.
According to Bern, the chief of Luftwaffen discovered that Bern was not worth mentioning. He was announced in February that he would abandon his work. He is now called the Sheriff LFENT and, in autumn, he becomes the new head of the SKYGUIDE air traffic control.
The army denied a discussion with Chinese Charg
Addendum. The day after the article, the army reported the army with a correction. The assertion that the intermediary of Gutstrger AD of the Chinese message was telephone with the commander of the Luftwaffe and was treated hostile by her was wrong. The HLT defense group is that the Luftwaffe commander, division Peter Merz, has never had contact with the Chinese message or the timid Chinese or with another employee.
Sources 2/ https://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/schweiz/diplomatischer-eklat-stunk-ueber-wuennewil-flamatt-wie-zwei-schweizer-fa-18-kampfjets-die-nachtruhe-des-chinesischen-herrschers-xi-stoerten-ld.2750332 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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