From home to house with relaxed restrictions: the 2 months that shook Great Britain

Boris Johnson has announced the first lock of coronavirus in the United Kingdom for five years, and life, because we knew that she was stopping.
The announcement by the Minister of the time, radically reshaped our lives, and what followed was an unprecedented health crisis.
More than 200,000 people have died since in the United Kingdom after contracting the disease, and Some always suffer from the persistent effects of the virus.
Here, Itv News returns to the way the lock was applied and how he put a full sidewalk on the normal lifestyle.
March 23: “Stay at home”: PM announces the first locking in the United Kingdom
In a Downing Street ministerial program, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced locking restrictions across the United Kingdom. Taken administrations followed with the respective announcements.
Johnson told the public that the locking was “vital” to slow down the spread of the “invisible killer” and warned citizens confronted with fines if they do not comply with government instructions.
“Coronavirus is the greatest threat that this country has faced for decades and this country is not alone,” said Johnson in the evening address, which lasted a little more than six minutes.
ITV News political editor Robert Peston responds to the Prime Minister's locking announcement during quarantine at home
People were told that they could only leave the house for one of the following four reasons:
Shop for grocery store or essential elements
Any medical need
One form of exercise per day
Traveling to and from work, if it is absolutely necessary and cannot be done at home
March 25: Coronavirus Act 2020 gets Royal Assistance
Two days after the announcement of locking, the Coronavirus Act 2020 received a royal consent, following its rapid progression by the Parliament.
The end of the queen officially agreed to make the bill an act of the Parliament, so it has become law.
March 26: Locking measures legally enter into force
The locking measures described by Johnson have officially entered into force.
Police received new powers, which means that no one has been authorized to leave their homes without “reasonable excuse”.
Rebecca Barry of ITV News reports from Bath where the police were in patrol in search of anyone who did not know the warnings
The agents were informed that they could order someone to go home, to leave an area, to have the power to disperse a group and to remove someone using “a reasonable force, if necessary”.
They could also issue fines or stop a person they believed to break the rules.
April 16: Lockdown extended for “at least three weeks”
Locking measures to slow down the propagation of the virus have been extended in the United Kingdom.
Matt Hancock, who was a health secretary at the time, said he was “far too early” for locking to end.
“We see this peak, but it's still far too high,” said Hancock. “And it is therefore too early to make changes.”
The extension of the locking was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dominic Raab, who intervened for the Prime Minister when he recovered from the coronavirus.
Johnson spent seven nights at St Thomas hospital fighting the disease and spent a few nights in the intensive care unit.
The Prime Minister, who thanked the NHS for saving his life, left the hospital to recover from the ladies.
“This locking, locked up, for a while”: Paul Brand of ITV News reports that the restrictions are extended
Announcing the extension of the locking, Raab said: “There is light at the end of the tunnel but we are now both at a delicate and dangerous stage of this pandemic.
“If we rush to soften the measures we have in place, we risk wasting all the sacrifices and all the progress that has been made.”
The government has established five tests to be respected before social distancing restrictions could be attenuated.
Make sure the NHS can face
Evidence showing a sustained and coherent drop in daily mortality rates
Reliable data showing that the infection rate decreases to manageable levels
Be confident in the range of operational challenges, such as ensuring tests and the right amount of PPE, are in hand
Being confident all adjustments will not risk a second peak
Government advisers said the evidence was “incoherent” and that the restrictions would remain in place until they were convinced that the virus peak had passed.
April 30: “We have exceeded the summit,” explains Johnson
The Prime Minister resisted the calls to describe his “roadmap” for raising the restrictions, saying that any relaxation “would risk a second peak” in the virus.
However, he said that the United Kingdom had “passed the summit” of Covid-19.
Itv News talks to people who are tested in training centers, because the Prime Minister says that we “go beyond the summit”
Johnson said in short, he would describe how we can “continue to remove the disease and at the same time restart the economy.
He said that the United Kingdom had “succeeded” in its objectives to protect the NHS and “to avoid the tragedy that has swallowed up other parts of the world”.
May 10: conditional plan announced to lift the locking
The PM announced a “conditional plan” to reopen society, allowing people from England to spend more time outside, as long as they maintained social distancing.
However, the deceased administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all indicated that they would continue to encourage people to stay at home.
Johnson said that people who could not work at home should return to the workplace, but avoid public transport.
Non -essential schools and stores would remain closed until the least June, added the Prime Minister.
The PM has established its “roadmap” to soften the restrictions in England, as reported Itv News, Carl Dinnen
The PM also said that fines for those who break the locking rules would increase.
“Now is not the time to end the locking this week,” he said in another television address. “Instead, we take the first cautious measures to modify our measures.”
In the weeks and months that succeeded, the country began to return to normal – non -essential schools and stores reopened and on June 23, the Prime Minister said that national hibernation of the United Kingdom “was over. But it was not the end, it was only the beginning.
A few months later, another national locking was introduced as a result of an increase in coronavirus cases.
The NHS then deployed the largest vaccination program in British history, targeting at least 2 million vaccinations per week.
A COVVI-19 investigation followed, examining if the government acted fairly quickly. To date, questions remain on the preparation of the United Kingdom to deal with the epidemic.
Locking is perhaps a chapter that we have left, but its impact will continue to echo in our lives for the years to come.
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Sources 2/ https://www.itv.com/news/2025-03-21/stay-at-home-looking-back-at-how-the-first-lockdown-shook-britain The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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