American legislators accuse Chinese spying students, push universities for data

The Chinese government demanded protections for its students in the United States after a Congress Committee has asked six universities to submit information on Chinese students enrolled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs (STEM).
Carnegie Mellon University, Purdue University, Stanford University, Illinois University, Maryland University and Southern California University on Thursday Letters sent By the president of the American selective committee of the Chinese Communist Party, which alleges that Beijing incorporates its students into the best research programs to illegally access critical research and advanced technologies.
Committee John Moolenaar said in his letter that the United States was at a dangerous crossroads where the continuation of short-term financial gains by university institutions endangers the long-term world technological leadership and national security.
He added that the intelligence community had warned that campuses are “soft targets” for espionage and the theft of intellectual property and said that the country's student visa system is a “Trojan horse for Beijing.
“American universities inadvertently act as incubators for the technological and military progress of China, according to the letter.
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Letters include requests for information on funding sources and the type of research carried out by Chinese students. They also seek information on the policies in place to prevent foreign nationals from working on projects related to US Government subsidies.
In response, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chinas, Mao Ning, exhorted The United States to stop overcoming the concept of national security and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese students in the country.
Mao told journalists that Chinese students represent around 25% of all foreign students in the United States and contribute to its economic prosperity and its technological development.
In recent years, American universities have largely welcomed Chinese students as a source of key funding because they often pay full international tuition fees.
However, Moolenaar expressed its alarm in the face of the number of Chinese students and the university administrators accused of moving American students.
Significant income from tuition fees generated by international students – many of which pay full tuition fees – has made elite universities financially dependent on foreign inscriptions, in particular China. This dependence on foreign students, in particular those of opponent nations, raises serious concerns concerning the displacement of American talents, the outsourcing of expertise and long -term involvement for American technological leadership and economic security.
The letters follow a Invoice Presented last week (March 14) by republican representative Riley Moore of Virginie-Western to prevent Chinese citizens from receiving visas to study in the United States or attending exchange programs. He accused students of being spies.
Moore presented the bill known as Stop CCP Visas Act in Congress, although it is not supposed to pass due to the generalized opposition and the concerns that this could harm American interests.
Critics argue that the bill recalls the Chinese exclusion law, which has restricted Chinese immigration to the United States from 1882 to 1943.
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