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When will the PM go?: I am JAB RAMESH's Jab after the judges Sc Visit Manipur | Latest news from India

When will the PM go?: I am JAB RAMESH's Jab after the judges Sc Visit Manipur | Latest news from India



Welcoming the visit of a delegation of judges from the Supreme Court to Manipur on Saturday, the deputy for Congress Jairam Ramesh asked when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the State.

Jairam Ramesh urged Prime Minister Modi to visit Manipur en route to or from the Bimstec top in Thailand. (Ani)
Jairam Ramesh urged Prime Minister Modi to visit Manipur en route to or from the Bimstec top in Thailand. (Ani)

He said that the Congress Party welcomes the six judges who went to visit Manipur. Addressing the Anima news agency, he noted that in the last 22 months, hundreds of people have died, around 60,000 were moved and lived in refuge houses and rescue camps.

“The President's rule was imposed on February 13, but the question arises: even after the Supreme Court itself on August 1, 2023, said that the Constitutional Manipur system had been completely demolished, why did it take 18 months to impose the rule of the president? Asked Ramesh.

A delegation of judges from the Supreme Court, including judges BR Gavai, Surya Kant, Vikram Nath, MM Sternresh, KV Vishwanathan and N Kotishwar, visited a rescue camp in Manipur's Churachandpur.

The head of the Congress also criticized the Minister of the Interior Amit Shah for not having spoken of the situation in Manipur during the discussions on the works of his ministry in the Parliament.

“Yesterday, the Minister of the Interior responded to Rajya Sabha for about four hours on the work of his Interior Ministry, but he did not say much on Manipur. In February 2022, the NDA won the elections with a great majority, but in the 15 months, Manipur began to burn.

Ramesh has also questioned the delay in the taxation of the president's reign in the state, criticizing Shah for visiting Mizoram but not manipur.

The head of the congress told Ani: “There is no answer to the reason why there was so much delay in the imposition of the president's reign. The Minister of the Interior goes to Mizoram, why did he not go to Manipur? And the things that the chief minister of Mizoram said after being in America to raise many questions.”

Ramesh urged PM Modi to visit Manipur, either before going to Bangkok, or on his return. “We hope that on his way to Bangkok or returning from Bangkok, the Prime Minister is taking a little time to visit Manipur. The Prime Minister's visit is crucial for a touch of healing,” he added.

His statement concerned the Prime Minister's probable visit to Thailand from April 2 to 4 for the Bimstec summit in Bangkok.

The reign of the president in Manipur was imposed on February 13 on the basis of a report by the Governor of the State. The state violent clashes broke out in May of last year during a rally organized by the All Tribals Student Union (ATSU) to protect the request for inclusion of the Meitei community in the planned tribe category.

(with Ani entries)




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