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Trump's executive order to dismantle the education department was inspired by the agency's disapproval heritage foundations for several decades

Trump's executive order to dismantle the education department was inspired by the agency's disapproval heritage foundations for several decades



President Donald Trump published a decree on March 20, 2025 which called for the closure of the US Ministry of Education.

The president needs the approval of the congress to close the department. The order, however, orders the Secretary of Education Linda McMahon to take all the necessary measures to facilitate the closure of the Ministry of Education and the return authority on education in states and local communities while guaranteeing the effective and uninterrupted service of services, programs and benefits on which the Americans count.

The decree reflects many recommendations from the Heritage Foundations Project 2025, a conservative political initiative to reorganize the federal government. But it is worth noting that the foundations are trying to abolish the education department go back over 40 years.

The reflection group first called for limiting the federal role in education in 1981. It was then that he published his first mandate for leadership, a book offering conservative policy recommendations.

As a professor of sociology focused on social diversity and inequalities, IVE has followed the efforts of heritage foundations to eliminate the Ministry of Education since 1981. Although the idea has not obtained enough support 44 years ago, the current political climate makes the conditions more favorable.

Mandate 1981

In its 1981 mandate, the Heritage Foundation struck themes now familiar.

His education policy recommendations included the closure of the Ministry of Education and the reduction of its controls on American education.

In addition, the reflection group called on the legislators to repeal the law on elementary and secondary education of 1965, which provides federal funding for disadvantaged students from kindergarten to 12th year, so that the influence of departments on the policy and the practice of local and local education through the authority of discretionary subsidy would disappear.

And the Heritage Foundation called for an end to federal support for programs which, according to him, were designed to transform primary and secondary school rooms into vehicles for a social and political change on the liberal left left

The Heritage Foundation building was seen on July 30, 2024 in Washington, DC Andrew Harnik / Getty Images

Educational experts challenged these reforms proposed a few years later.

Four educational working groups, mainly made up of educators, business leaders and politicians, published reports on education in 1983. The four reports criticized more liberal education policies of the 1960s and 1970s, such as the emphasis on the feelings of students on the breed, for example, rather than the accent on basic skills.

But they have all seen the need for a strong federal role in education.

The four reports blamed the American education system to lose ground against Japan and Western Europe. And all called to more courses required rather than the curriculum smorgasbord which had become the norm in many public schools. They all wanted longer school days, longer school years and better trained teachers.

Nevertheless, President Ronald Reagan tried without success to abolish the Ministry of Education in 1983.

2025 project

Jumping over 40 years, Project 2025 reflect many of the main themes that the Heritage Foundation addressed in the 1981 mandate. The first line of the 2025 project chapter on the states of education: the federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the Federal Department of Education should be eliminated.

Left indoctrination charges have developed. Now, conservative defenders call to eliminate everything that has to do with diversity, equity and inclusion, or Dei.

Other decrees that Trump have signed reflect these attitudes.

For example, they call for the defense of women against the extremism of gender ideology and the elimination of radical dei policies.

According to the 2025 project, the choice of school which gives students the freedom to choose the schools that best correspond to their needs should be promoted by tax credits on tuition fees and vouchers which provide students with public funds to attend a private school. And federal education programs should be dismantled or transferred to other federal departments.

Current political climate

In the 1980s, the Heritage Foundation was considered to be part of the new right, a coalition between questions such as abortion, homosexuality and positive action. The GOPS alliance with conservative evangelical Christians, mobilized by plea groups such as the moral majority of Jerry Falwells, took steam, but it was still considered marginal.

By 2025, things have evolved considerably to the right.

Conservative republicans in the congress consider the heritage foundation as an important voice in educational policy.

The extreme right is embraced by Trump after his appointments from the cabinet and his pardons of the rioters of January 6.

And Christian nationalism the belief that the United States is defined by Christianity has increased.

Paul in, Director of Heritage Foundations Project 2025, speaks at the National Conservative Conference of Washington, DC, July 10, 2024. Dominic Gwinn / Middle East Images / AFP via Getty Images

The executive order does not abolish the Department of Education. He needs the approval of the congress to do so.

But he has already weakened it. Its administration recently canceled nearly $ 900 million in contracts at the Institute of Education Sciences, the independent research branch of the Department of Education.

Despite the public's reluctance to eliminate the ministry in February, 63% of American residents said they were opposed to its elimination, it seems that the influence of the Heritage Foundation could cause significant damage, with the additional dismissal of staff members and the reduction in fund distribution.

McMahon sent a directive to the employees of the department in early March, qualifying the dismantling of their agency a final mission.




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