For Trump and Netanyahu, similar strategies with similar goals

If it was not obvious that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel thinks that he has an ally in his battle against the country's attorney general, his judges and even the head of his domestic security service, he clearly indicated on Wednesday evening.
In America and Israel, when a strong head of the right wing wins an election, the deep left state armed the judicial system to thwart the will of the peoples, he wrote in an article on social networks. They will not win in both places! We are strong together.
The Principal Blast and Trumpian was the last proof that Mr. Netanyahu and President Trump manage the same manual to achieve surprisingly similar objectives: to neutralize the judiciary, dismantle a surveillance system that puts control over their authority and discredit the national security professionals they consider to be disposed to them.
These movements are involved while Mr. Trump has aligned his Middle East policy for the benefit of Mr. Netanyahu, in particular by giving the Israeli Prime Minister the freedom to renew war in Gaza and launch American air strikes against Houthis in Yemen, a group which is a avowed enemy of Israel.
In this week, in Washington, Trump called for the dismissal of a federal judge who was looking for fundamental information on his mass deportation efforts, dismissed two Democratic commissioners of an independent commercial commission and was reprimanded by a judge who declared that his administrations ply the agency responsible for foreign aid probably violated the Constitution.
This week in Jerusalem, Mr. Netanyahus' cabinet dismissed Ronen Bar, the chief of Shin Bet, equivalent to the FBI Israels, after the agency began investigations on the main ministers. Among other affirmations, employees are accused of having poorly managed classified information and of disclosing a document to a foreign newspaper. The office of Mr. Netanyahus firmly denied the allegations.
Mr. Netanyahus moves against Shin Bet chief came for weeks after his administration announced his intention to dismiss the Attorney General, Gali Baharav-Miara, an apolitical judicial official appointed by the previous government who frustrated Mr. Netanyahu by blocking some of his decisions on legal grounds.
Like Mr. Trump, Mr. Netanyahu seeks to brake interior daycare and judicial authorities who, as in the United States, continued investigations against him or his allies.
Like Mr. Trump, the Israeli Prime Minister has faced criminal charges which, they believe, are false affirmations fomented by left -wing and non -elected bureaucrats. In the M. Netanyahus case, he is tried in a corruption case of a year which forces him to appear before the court several times a month.
Trumps Own Illiberalism gave Netanyahu an unprecedented opportunity to impose hers on Israel, Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert in the Endowment Peace Carnegie, told Aaron David Miller. Trump popularity in Israel and the Vulcan spirit blend between Trump and Netanyahu by undermining the independence of the courts, and the fight against the awakened left protects and energizes Netanyahu.
Mr. Miller said Netanyahu had long taken bearings from other authoritarian leaders, such as Prime Minister Viktor Orban from Hungary. And Mr. Netanyahus fights against what he calls the deep state prior to the presidency of Mr. Trumps.
He was questioned for the first time by the police on corruption charges in early 2017, weeks before Mr. Trump took office for his first mandate. When Mr. Netanyahus' trial began in 2020, he was held on the marches of the Jerusalem Court, accusing the accusation, the police and the media establishment of a joint attempt to thwart the will of the people. He is accused of having granted regulatory favors to businessmen and media magnate in exchange for gifts and favorable media coverage, which he denies.
The Prime Ministers, the official attempts to undermine the judiciary began in 2022, when his coalition government introduced legislation intended to limit the power of the Supreme Court and to give the government more control over the appointment of its judges. After mass demonstrations, the government has suspended most of these measures for more than a year.
But Netanyahu seems galvanized after Mr. Trumps' election in November. Since then, his government has revived the process of judicial appointments and has pushed the bill by the Parliament.
An Israeli official informed Mr. Netanyahus of Netanyahus said that Mr. Trumps' election had given the Prime Minister greater confidence to take provocative measures at home and in the war in Gaza, who degenerated this week after the collapse of a cease-fire contract which had been negotiated earlier this year. The manager spoke under the cover of anonymity.
For his part, Mr. Trump found a common cause with other illegal leaders such as Mr. Orban, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Trump said this month that Mr. Putin had crossed a lot with me, referring to the FBIS survey on Russian interference in the 2016 elections and contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents.
It was in the midst of this investigation when Mr. Trump dismissed James B. Comey, the director of the FBI who had refused to publicly empty him with links with Russia. Comey had also refused to give up to Mr. Trumps the pressure to abandon an FBI investigation into Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser for the White House.
Eight years later, Mr. Netanyahu persuaded his cabinet to dismiss Mr. Bar, despite the major street demonstrations in Jerusalem this week denouncing his threats to withdraw the shin chief. Friday, the Supreme Court of Israel rendered an injunction freeing the dismissal of Mr. Bars until the judges could hear petitions which had been deposited against him.
Alon Pinkas, a political commentator and former Israels consul general in New York, said he was doubtful that Mr. Netanyahu would have moved to Shin Bet chief if Mr. Trump had not been president. The two leaders were spirits of politically spirits, he said, and had both adopted an identical language that would cringe George Orwell.
Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu also regularly use this language to discredit the media, another institution that they often see with contempt. The national broadcaster of Israel, Kan, reported this week that it was at a meeting with Trump in Washington last month when Mr. Netanyahu was inspired to dismiss Mr. Bar.
Invited to comment on this report, Mr. Netanyahus’s spokesman, Omer Dostri, replied with a laconic text message: false news.
Sources 2/ https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/21/us/politics/trump-netanyahu-israel-political-strategy.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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