Trump announces the Boeing Wins contract for a new fighter plane “F-47”
Washington President (AP), Donald Trump, announced on Friday that Boeing would built the future air force aviator, who, according to the Pentagon, will have furtive and penetration capacities that far exceed those of his current fleet and are essential in a potential conflict with China.
Known as the new generation air dominance, or NGAD, the inhabited jet will serve as a quarter-rear for a fleet of future drone planes designed to be able to penetrate the aerial defenses of China and any other potential enemies. The initial contract to carry out production on an Air Force version is worth around $ 20 billion.
The 47th president, who announced the Prix to the White House with the Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth and the management of the Air Force, said with a smile that the new fighter would be appointed F-47.
General David Allvin, Air Force chief of staff, said it was going to write the next generation of modern air war with this. And Hegseth said that the future fleet sent a very clear and direct message to our allies who did not go anywhere.
Critics have questioned the cost and the need for the program because the Pentagon is still struggling to fully produce its most advanced jet, the F-35, which should cost taxpayers more than $ 1.7 billion during its lifespan. In addition, the future stealth bomber of the Pentagons, the B-21 Raider, will have several of the same advanced technologies in advanced materials, AI, propulsion and stealth.
More than 1,100 F-35 have already been built for the United States and several international partners.
A fleet of approximately 100 future B-21 furtive bombers at a total cost estimated at at least $ 130 billion is also planned. The first B-21 plane is now in test flight.
With the evolution of the war of drones and space likely to be the center of any fight with China, Dan Grazier, a military purchasing analyst, wonders if another exquisite hunting jet is really the right platform in the future. Grazier, director of the Stimson Center national security reform program, said $ 20 billion were only seed funds. The total costs on the road will be hundreds of billions of dollars.
Few details on what the new NGAD fighter would look like was public, although Trump said that the first versions have made test flights for five years. The rendering by Lockheed Martin and Boeing highlighted a flat and tail -free plane with a pointed nose.
The selection of Boeing, which faced intense pressure from Trump on cost overruns and program delays on Air Force One, came after an independent Air Force analysis, said an official on condition of anonymity to provide additional details on the selection. Boeing’s offer was still determined to be the best overall value for the government, said the official.
The Air Force did not specify the number of planes that will be produced. In a statement, however, Allvin said that there would be more F-47 products than the F-22, the advanced hunter jets his replacement. There are now about 180 F-22 fighter planes in service.
The Air Force subsequently published a statement claiming that number 47 had been chosen for a certain number of reasons: it honors the inheritance of the P-47, whose contributions to air superiority during the Second World War remain historic. In addition, the number pays tribute to the founding year of the Air Force, while also recognizing the 47th pivot support of presidents for the development of the first fighter in the sixth generation world.
A separate naval contract for its version of the NGAD fighter is still in competition between Northrop Grumman and Boeing.
Last year, the secretary of the Biden Administrations Air Force, Frank Kendall, ordered a break on the NGAD program to examine whether the plane was still necessary or if the program, which was designed for the first time in 2018, was to be changed to reflect the last years of war progress.
This review by Think Tanks and the academic world examined what the conflict with China would look like with Ngad, then without him and determined that Ngad was still necessary. Kendall then left the decision on which the company Build the Trump Administration Hunting Plane, said a defense manager, speaking on condition of anonymity to provide details on decision -making.
NGAD will bring a level entirely different from low observability, said the manager. It will also have a much longer range than the F-35 or other current fighter planes, it will therefore need less supply. A future non -pilot version of NGAD is also planned because the Pentagon improves the AI of the plane, said the manager.
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