Trump accelerates the remuneration campaign against the legal community | Trump administration

Friday evening, Donald Trump has expanded his remote campaign against law firms when he ordered his Attorney General, Pam Bondi, to return what she decided to be partisan prosecution to the White House and to recommend punitive actions that could paralyze the involved companies.
The guidelines were described in a radical memo in which Trump allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly submitted frivolous complaints designed to lead to delays. He came after a week of backhand, in which a multitude of judges published temporary injunctions blocking the implementation of the Trumps Agenda.
Trumps Memo ordered Bondi to ask for sanctions against companies or disciplinary measures against lawyers. But the imposing sanctions are up to federal judges, and perhaps in recognition of the uncertainty that his Attorney General would prevail, Trump also ordered references to the White House.
When the Attorney General determines this conduct by a lawyer or a law firm in dispute against the mandates of the federal government requesting sanctions or other disciplinary measures, the Attorney General recommends the president additional measures which may be taken, said the memo.
The memo, consequently, has created an official mechanism so that Trump unilaterally decides to impose politically charged sanctions through executive decrees which undress the lawyers of the security authorizations they need to do their work or prevent them from working on federal contracts.
Several legal experts have suggested that the memo would theoretically allow Bondi to decide on a particular legal action which sparked a temporary injunction caused unnecessary delay, and returns the company which filed the pursuit to deal with the hampered effects of a punitive decree.
This could lead to a frightening effect and lead to the drop in the volume of disputes against the Trump administration, experts said. Even if the proceedings are in fact for legitimate purposes, they fear that their representation will put them in the presidents of the presidents of the presidents and endanger their legal practice.
Trump also ordered Bondi to open an examination on the conduct of lawyers and their respective law firms in dispute against the federal government which dates back to the start of his first mandate in 2017 and recommend whether this justified additional punitive actions.
The service note has occurred while Trump in recent weeks has used decrees to target law firms with great effect.
More recently, Trump has stripped the lawyers for the Cabinet Paul Weiss from having a security authorization and prevented his employees from entering the buildings of the federal government about his longtime complaint about a former partner, Mark Pomerantz, who tried to build a criminal case against him in New York.
The executive decree targeting Paul Weiss was almost identical to an order which punished the cabinet Perkins Coie about its links with a lawyer who formerly worked with the 2016 Hillary Clintons campaign, and another destiny in Covington and Burling, who represented the former special lawyer Jack Smith.
Paul Weiss was withdrawn from his order Thursday after his chair, Brad Karp, offered a series of concessions, in particular by offering criticism from Pomerantz to appease Trump. He is committed to providing a value of $ 40 million in legal services to cause Trump.
But Trump has cooked for days, according to people familiar with the issue, on a series of temporary ban orders that have slowed down the implementation of his political agenda and, in a case, the Elon Musks brand costs the reduction of the reader as probably unconstitutional.
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The case that has aggravated Trump the most was the challenge before a Washington Federal District Court against his use of the extraterrestrial enemy law of 1798 to withdraw hundreds of alleged members of Venezuelan gangs without regular procedure while he seeks to increase deportations.
In this trial, the American district judge James Boasberg ordered the administration to overthrow the expulsion flights which were in the air and temporarily prohibited any additional expulsion under the Act on Extraterrestrial enemies.
The case turned into headache for the administration, after he does not remember two flights on the grounds that the judge did not reproduce his verbal examination in a written order, which led the judge to effectively open a request for a question of whether the White House flouted an order of the court.
You felt that you could ignore him because he was not in a written order. Is that your first argument? The idea that because my written order was more soft, so it could be ignored is a hell of a stretch, said Boasberg in a recent audience.
The administration insisted that it did not violate the order, but at the heart of the dispute, the conviction of the administrations that the judge lacked jurisdiction to hear the case in the first place, ignoring the reality that the federal courts can examine whether the statutes are properly invoked.
In this context, while Trump continued to rail against the injunction itself, the administration adopted an increasingly combative position towards Boasberg and declared that it was considering invoking the privilege of state secrets rarely used in the question of the investigation into judges.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/22/trump-ramps-ups-retribution-campaign-against-legal-community The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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