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Trump revokes security authorizations for Biden, Harris and other political enemies | Donald Trump

Trump revokes security authorizations for Biden, Harris and other political enemies | Donald Trump



Donald Trump has moved to revoke security authorizations for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a series of other best democrats and political enemies in a presidential note published Friday late.

The revocations of the security authorization include the former secretary of state Antony Blinken, the former Wyoming representative, Liz Cheney, the former representative of Illinois Adam Kinzinger and the New York Attorney General, Letitia James, who continued Trump for fraud, as well as the whole family. They will no longer have access to classified information that a courtesy generally offered to former presidents and certain officials after leaving the public service.

I determined that it is no longer in the national interest in the following people to access classified information, Trump wrote. Trump said he would also run all the heads of department and agency leaders to revoke access without escort to secure the facilities of the US government of these people.

Earlier this month, the director of national intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, announced that she had revoked the authorizations and blocked several people appointed in the memo of Trumps, as well as the 51 signatories of the disinformation letter Hunter Biden referring to the former officials of the intelligence agency who said that the notorious Hunter Bidewing Campaign, who was discovered before the election of 2020, was probably A Russian disinformation campaign.

Trumps' decision to withdraw Biden of the intelligence briefs is a counter-penalty of his democratic political opponent, who had prohibited Trump from accessing classified documents in 2021, saying that the former president of the time could not be confident because of his erratic behavior.

Earlier this week, Trump announced that he was taking protection from the secret services for the children of Bidens, Hunter and Ashley, with immediate effect, after it was said that 18 agents had been assigned to the former son of presidents for a trip to South Africa and 13 to his daughter Ashley.

More broadly, the revocations of the security authorization published on Friday seem to be correlated with a list of cherry of the political enemies of the presidents, in particular the prosecutor general of New York, Letitia James, and the prosecutor of the district of Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, who both continued Trump at the time of Biden.

The others on the list include Fiona Hill, a foreign policy expert who testified against Trump during her first dismissal concerning her alleged bosses to retain military aid to Ukraine as a means of putting pressure on its president to investigate the Bidens; Alexander Vindman, lieutenant-colonel who also testified during the hearings; And Norman Eisen, a lawyer who supervised this dismissal.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, Republicans who sat on the committee investigating the riots of the January 6 Capitol, were also added to the list. Trump said that the information ban includes, but without limiting itself, the reception of classified briefings, such as the daily life of the presidents, and access to classified information held by any member of the intelligence community.

The moves come when NBC News reported that former president Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, volunteered to help collect funds and help rebuild the Democratic Party after the spicy defeat of the successor appointed by Bidens, Kamala Harris, in November.

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According to the network, Biden made the office last month when he met the new president of the National Democratic Committee, Ken Martin, but the offer had not been adopted.

An NBC news survey published last weekend revealed that the popularity of the Democratic parties had fallen to a record bac that 27% of the registered voters said they had positive opinions of the party. Trump was asked about the prospect of reintegrating the political field on Friday. I hope yes, he replied.




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