PM Modi reveals its fasting routine to stay in shape and healthy

The PM Modi recently talked about its fitness routine, sharing that it sticks to a strict fasting plan which includes a fruit diet, one meal a day and only hot water, no food.
The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has always been expressed on sharing his commitment to a healthy life. He often talks about the importance of conscious food and health problems solving. Whether it is the promotion of brown rice or raising obesity rates, it always encourages people to take care of themselves. Recently, in an open conversation with the American podcaster and researcher in IA Lex Fridman, the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister, Modi, 74, has shared information on his strict fasting routine for more than 50 years. From a fruit -based diet to drink only hot water and stick to one meal per day during his Fasting Fasting approach for fasting is both strict and coherent.
Importance of fasting according to PM Modi
For more than 50 years, fasting has been the cornerstone of PM Modis Life. He considers fasting not only as a religious or cultural practice, but as a spiritual and scientific discipline. Fasting is not just about jumping meals, explains Modi. The real fast concerns inner balance and discipline. He shared how fast the senses, saying that when he fast, he can even feel the water. It erases the mind, improves thought and brings clarity. For PM Modi, fasting is not only to abandon Foodit is a way to raise awareness.
Despite his strict fasting routines, he insists that it never slows him down. In fact, he continues his work with complete dedication, sometimes even working harder during fasting periods.

PM Modi's fasting routine
PM Modi has shared that he follows the ancient tradition of Chaturmas, a fasting period of four months from mid-June to Post-Diwali. Meanwhile, I eat only one meal within 24 hours, he explained, explaining how digestion slows down during the monsoon, which makes this practice beneficial.
He also talked about his Navratri fasting routine, which he observes twice a year Chaitra Navratri (March-April) and Sharad Navratri (September-October). During Sharad Navratri, it fasts completely, only consuming hot water. Drinking hot water has always been part of my daily routine, so it has become a habit now, he shared.
At Chaitra Navratri, he follows a strict diet, eating only one type of fruit every day. If I choose papaya, I only eat papaya for the nine days, he revealed.
Drinking advantages
Have you ever started your day with a glass of lukewarm water? It is a simple habit that can do wonders for your health. Drink lukewarm water in morning digestion by breaking down food and stimulating the stool. It also helps improve blood circulation and supports detoxification. For those trying to lose weight, drinking half a liter of hot water before meals can increase metabolism by 30%, according to a study Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Although it is best to drink hot water in the morning, it is also advantageous to sip all day. It keeps you hydrated and can even help relieve the pressure of cold and allergies sinuses.

Benefits of fasting or have one meal a day
Many people swear by the practice of eating one meal a day, or Omad, to stimulate their health and lose pounds. It is a type of intermittent fast (IF) which restricts food intake to a specific time window, generally leaving the rest of the day for fasting. The key advantage? It creates a calorie deficit (when you burn more calories than you consume it), which can help lose weight, depending on the research published in the JBI database. And not only weight loss, fasting can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce blood sugar and facilitate inflammation. While most of the following people Omad choose to dinner, others consume only breakfast or lunch. Certain versions of the IF plan even allow a snack in addition to the only meal.
So, take inspiration from the Modi PM and keep your lifestyle in good health!
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Sources 2/ https://www.healthshots.com/health-news/pm-modi-reveals-his-fasting-routine-to-stay-fit-and-healthy/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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