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Fink de Blackrock made Trump satisfies the agreement on the Panama Canal. The cost can be an unhappy China.

Fink de Blackrock made Trump satisfies the agreement on the Panama Canal. The cost can be an unhappy China.



The CEO of Blackrock (BLK), Larry Fink, orchestrated the takeover of the port of the Panama Canal who made President Trump happy, but the cost can be an angry Xi Jinping.

The Wall Street Journal reported this week That the Chinese chief is not satisfied with an agreement of $ 22.8 billion giving control of the investment coalition led by Blackrock of two key ports at each end of the vital shipping route currently held by the conglomerate of Hong Kong CK Hutchison.

CK Hutchison, which is controlled by the family of the billionaire of Hong Kong, 96, Li Ka-Shing, did not look for the pre -robation of the Directorate of the Chinese government, according to the Wall Street Journal.

In addition, Chinese leaders hoped to use ports as a negotiation currency with the Trump administration as part of larger talks between the two countries, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Chinese Deputy Prime Minister, He Lifeng, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, meets the CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink in Beijing, capital of China, December 5, 2024. (Photo by Yin Bogu / Xinhua via Getty Images)))))
Chinese Deputy Prime Minister, He Lifeng, on the right, meets the CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink, in Beijing on December 5 (Yin Bogu / Xinhua via Getty Images) Xinhua press agency via Getty Images

Other signs of dissatisfaction have emerged in articles and comments published in the Pro-Beijing TA Kung Pao newspaper, arguing that Chinese ships are now confronted with restrictions on the channel and the accusation of CK Hutchison to “prioritize the profit on everything, without taking into account national interests and national justice”.

The agreement deserves “serious attention”, the chief of Hong Kong, John Lee, added earlier this week, without directly criticizing CK Hutchison.

The rumors of Beijing add a new layer of complications to what seemed to be a big victory for Fink de Blackrock, who himself contacted the White House after Trump alleged a Chinese interference in the channel and said that he wanted to “resume”.

Fink argued in the White House that he would not need to take the force ports if BlackRock had to organize a purchase alone.

Trump referred to the agreement during his speech at Congress earlier this month while reiterating that “my administration will recover the Panama Canal” and “will take it back”.

It is not immediately clear what measures that Hong Kong or Beijing could take to block the transaction, which is not yet definitive and still requires the consent of various regulators. Companies hope to sign a final agreement by April 2.

File - President Donald Trump, right, talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a welcome ceremony to the great people of the Beijing People, November 9, 2017. (AP Photo / Andy Wong, file)
President Trump, on the right, talks to Chinese President Xi Jinping during a welcome ceremony in the great people of the Beijing people in 2017. (AP photo / Andy Wong, file) Associated Press

Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal reported that the Chinese authorities are closely examining the agreement. Bloomberg said that the examination includes any sign of security violation or antitrust violationsWhile the Wall Street Journal said that officials were invited to see what Beijing can do to hinder the agreement.

The course of BlackRock's action “would probably see a little blow” if the pact fell, according to the CFRA analyst, Cathy Seifert, but the greater threat would be the credibility of the newly reinforced infrastructure group of BlackRock.




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