Lee and Yeates get young girl's goals as T&T Down Cuba 2-1 in G / Cup Playoff at first glance

Trinidad and Tobago head coach Dwight Yorke marked his competitive international debut with a 2-1 victory in Cuba this afternoon while the Soca Warriors took a significant step towards a fourth place of a consecutive gold group stage.
Cuba first struck the Antonio Maceo stadium in Santiago and was full of energy and cum. But they did not have the intelligence of the street to hang on and were finally canceled by first -rate international goals in the two half of Isaiah Lee and Steffen Yeates.
Trinidad and Tobago striker, Isaiah Lee (right), try to escape the attention of the defender of Guyana Curnez Kellman during an international friendly action at the Hasely Crawford stadium on May 13, 2024. Photo: Daniel Prentice / Wired868.
The Soca Warriors welcome the leg back at the ATO Boldon stadium in Couva on Tuesday, March 25 and would be heavy favorites to finish work at this stadium.
The second floor will be difficult, Yorke said at the post-match press conference. We have a good file against Cuba, but not very often we come to Cuba and batt Cuba. We wanted to try to do something different and make it in my first match, I am very happy.
It is a huge victory for us, but we are not going to be ahead of ourselves. We have a lot of work to do.
Last October, Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago clashed in equality on two legs to determine which team would be relegated to the League of Nations of the Concacaf A. On this occasion, the Warriors, led by the interim coach Derek King, shoot 2-2 and won 3-1 at the Dwight Yorke Stadium in Bacolet.
The Trinidad and Tobago striker, Nathaniel James (right), tries to overcome the defender of Cuba Dariel Morejon during the CNL action at the Dwight Yorke stadium in Bacolet on October 14, 2024. Photo: Daniel Prentice / Wired868.
Today, the hosts could have dreamed of revenge when Yasnier Matos put Cuba in the first five minutes. Matos ran on a padded lobed pass from the front and captain Maykel Reyes and finished with a left flight in the area.
Trinidad and Tobago did not take long to answer.
A scanning movement in the 20th minute saw the fields of land Andre Rampersad and Captain Joevin Jones relay the balloon on the left flank. And the Toronto FC winger set fire to adapt to the right back Alejandro Delgado before delivering a punctual cross that Lee finished at close range during the second attempt.
The score remained locked at a goal each at the interval and Trinidad and Tobago returned to the ground without Spicer with the 24 -year -old woman suffering from a suspected cerebral.
Trinidad and Tobago Tyrese Spicer striker. (Via ttfa media.)
Yorke used 3-5-1-1 training today with Spicer and Isaiah Garcia used as Wingbacks. Spicer certainly had an impact in the half offensive in the estate; Garcia, not so much.
And with Andre Raymond, a more orthodox back, coming for Spicer, there was luck that Trinidad and Tobago could lose momentum on one or the other side.
However, instead, Trinidad and Tobago found more balance in the middle of the field, while André Rampersad, Daniel Phillips and Joevin, in particular, seemed to obtain the measure of their opponents.
And, seven minutes after the start of the second half, the Warriors were ahead.
The midfielder born in Canada, Steffen Yeates, had a decisive pass during his beginnings while Trinidad and Tobago beat the Bahamas 7-1 in a WCQ in St Kitts on June 8, 2024. (Via TTFA Media.)
Joevins Inswing Corner Kick missed the head of the giant defender Josiah Tramingham, but his younger brother, Alvin Jones, collected and in the square so that Yeates brand of the Point Blank range.
Cuba’s goalkeeper Raiko Arozarena, not for the first time, was almost as useful for his teammates as an uragan umbrella.
The substitute of Italian and based origin, Alessio Raballo, entered the scrum in the 67th minute and had an excellent chance of drawing its country level adopted, to strike wide from the interior of the six -meter winger Boxafter Onel Hernandez and the left back Karel Perez beautifully combined with Bamboozle Garcia.
Cuba striker Alessio Raballo was crowned in the Italian series A for Torino, although he was no longer attached. (via Gazzanet.)
Raballo is the first original footballer abroad to represent Cuba since 1967, while their entire starting team exercises his business abroad. It was a sign of the more open -minded approach by the relevant officials of Cuba, who could benefit the nation in the long term.
As a result, the Cubas talent basin was better. But, collectively, they are still a certain distance from the threat to this level.
Trinidad and Tobago threatened to get a third goal in the 68th minute, when Phillips hit the bar after a two with Joevin. And the Warriors got closer to the 87th minute, when Kaihim Thomas hit the interior of the amount of a direct free kick while his colleague substitute Ajani Fortune missed the vacant goal with the rebound with Arozarena still nowhere.
Trinidad and Tobago captain Joevin Jones in action against Nicaragua during their CNL B confrontation at the Dwight Yorke stadium on March 27, 2023. (Copyright Daniel Prentice / Wired868.)
But an advantage of 2-1 was sufficient for Yorke and his troops.
Yorke started the match with two players, Rampersad and Yeates, still in pre-season with their respective teams while goalkeeper Denzil Smith also did not play competitively in 2025.
Lee, a midfielder from Terminix La Horquetta Rangers, led the front line while regular captain Aubrey David was an unused replacement. There were three TTPFL players in the starting team alongside the Jamaica duo Du Trimanham and Darnell Hospedales.
Obviously, Yorke is not afraid to make big changes then.
The chief coach of the national team of the national team of Tobago and Tobago, Dwight Yorke. (Via ttfa media.)
In Santiago, it was a good case that ends well.
I am very proud of my players, in terms of having to come in a very difficult place to get a result, said Yorke. Cuba is a very good team. We had to work very hard to get a result today.
[] It is a huge result for me and a huge result for our team and our country. Hopefully Tuesday, we can put the final touch.
Tuesday, Trinidad and Tobago football fans will have their first taste for the Red, White and Black Army of the Yorks.
Trinidad and Tobago (3-5-1-1): 22.Denzil Smith (GK); 16.Alvin Jones, 4. Josiah Tramingham, 17.Darnell Hospedales; 5.ISAIAH GARCIA (23.kaihim Thomas 80), 8.Daniel Phillips, 18.And RAMPERSAD, 7.SSEFFEN YEATES (19.Ajani FORTUNE 67), 13.Tyrese Spicer (6.ndre Raymond 46); 3.Joevin Jones (captain) (15.Dantaye Gilbert 80); 12.isaiah lee (11. Brent Sam 56).
Unused substitutes: 1.Marvin Phillip (GK), 21.Jabari St Hillaire (GK), 2.Aubrey David, 9.nathaniel James, 10.Wayne Frederick II, 14.shannon Gomez, 20.real Gill.
Coach: Dwight Yorke.
Cuba (4-3-3): 12.Rako Arozarena (GK); 19.Aalejandro Delgado, 6.yosel Piedra, 15.yunior Perez, 5.Dariel Morejon (13.karel Perez 72); 8. Pedro Bravo, 16.Romario Torres (10.Rey Angel 56), 7.Willian Pozo (23. Christian Floors 57); 18.Yasnier Matos (20.Alassio Raballo 67), 9.Maykel Reyes (Captain), 11.onel Hernandez.
Unused substituted: 1.immel Tort (GK), 21.hurdy Hodelin (GK), 2.elvis Casanova,
Coach: Yunelys Castillo.
Referee: Juan Gabriel Calderon (Costa Rica).
LASANA LIBURD is Director General and editor -in -chief of Wired868.com and journalist with more than 20 years of experience in several publications Trinidad and Tobago and International, notably Play The Game, World Soccer, UK Guardian and Trinidad Express.
Sources 2/ https://wired868.com/2025/03/21/lee-and-yeates-get-maiden-goals-as-tt-down-cuba-2-1-in-g-cup-playoff-first-leg/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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