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Bernie Sanders targets Trump and attracts record crowdsExBulletin

Bernie Sanders targets Trump and attracts record crowdsExBulletin



Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT., Expresses himself during a “Fighting Oligarchy” tour on Arizona State University, Thursday in Temple, Ariz. Ross D. Franklin / AP Hide Legend

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Temple, Arizona. Senator Bernie Sanders has become a leading voice for voters opposed to President Trump's rapid thrust to dismantle the federal government and frustrated by the Democratic Party's response.

Sanders and its ardent form of economic populism attacking the growing influence of billionaires and companies in politics are not new, but the interest in the message and the messenger was renewed by Trump's second mandate and the excessive role that Elon Musk played in the reduction of federal spending and the thrust of agencies to firefighters.

“Well, when I spoke of oligarchy over the years, I think that for some people, it was an abstraction,” said Sanders in an interview with NPR. Now, “people understand that you have to be blind so as not to see that what we have today is a government of billionaires, by billionaires and for billionaires.”

But the independent senator of the Vermont said that, at the same time, the Democratic Party also turned his back on the American working class and suggested that the party capitalizes on this moment by defending policies that deal with things such as income inequality, health care and climate change.

“If they do this, I think workers will return to the fold,” he predicted. “Otherwise, I suspect that the party will continue to decrease.”

Sanders launched a Western swing on its “Fighting Oligarchy tour on Thursday with rallies in Las Vegas and Temple, Arizona. Joined by New York Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The couple spoke to a crowd of overflow of thousands inside and outside the Mullett Arena of Arizona State University of the threat they say that Trump and his allies represent to American voters and the government.

“We will not allow you to move this country in an oligarchy,” promised Sanders, speaking directly to Trump. “We are not going to afford you and your friend Mr. Musk and other billionaires to wreak havoc in the families of workers in this country. No, you are not going to destroy social security. You are not going to destroy Medicaid. You are not going to destroy the administration of veterans.”

On Friday, Sanders' communications director said that more than 30,000 people showed up in Denver, Colorado. To hear him speak, a crowd larger than any event during his two presidential races.

Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT., Is expressed during a gathering on Friday at Civic Center Park in Denver. Sanders' director of communications said that the crowd had 30,000, a new record for a Sanders event. Chet Strange / Getty images hide the legend

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During the first months of Trump's return to the White House, his effort from the Ministry of Government efficiency led by Musk saw chaos and confusion from generalized layoffs of government contracts, federal workers and the attempt to break down agencies and ministries.

While the Democrats do not hold the Congress or the White House, Ocasio-Cortez declared that the voters still had the power to repel the policies of the Trump administration which, according to Mask, mask the real fracture in the country between “those of the very high and their endless greed that costs the life of all the others”.

“Ironically, the most conflicting forces in this country are actually starting to bring us more,” she said. “And this is important, because the same billionaires who take a demolition ball in our country draw their power by dividing workers.”

The Democratic Party is also unpopular

While a recent NPR / PBS News / Marist survey finds that the majority of voters feel about the state of the country and that Trump's agenda is precipitated without considering its impact, that dissatisfaction also extends to the Democratic Party.

An NBC News News survey last week reveals the popularity of the party to a hollow of all time, motivated by unsatisfied democrats who want their elected officials actively to counter Trump's agenda instead of trying to find compromises.

This feeling was exposed during the Sanders rally in Arizona, where the volunteer Clarissa Vela said that the Democrats had to “stop biting their tongue and becoming noisy” to tell voters what they plan to make unpopular changes pushed by Trump.

“They must organize themselves, because that's all that will work,” she said. “They have to show their faces wherever they go, and they will be so exhausted. But in the end, if we want to resume our democracy, that's what we have to do. No war has ever been won by sitting on your sofa. Do you know what I mean?”

After decisive losses in November, the Democrats elected a new party leadership to direct the national infrastructure, but have no singular figure that leads to the response to the first days of Trump's return to the White House, not to mention a unified message.

Democratic voters and certain legislators are not satisfied with the decision of the leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, to help the Republicans avoid a closure of the government after the Democrats of the House argued against the support of the spending plan.

What comes next?

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., on the right, takes a photo with supporters after talking during a tour event “Fighting Oligarchy” at Arizona State University, Thursday in Temple, Ariz. Ross D. Franklin / AP Hide Legend

Toggle legend Ross D. Franklin / AP

While the growing crowds are attending Sanders events and more people call for a reshuffle in the Democratic Party strategy, a recurring question appeared: why don't more Democrats look like Bernie Sanders?

On the one hand: Sanders is not a democrat, although he caucus with them. Sanders has been in the congress for three decades and is undoubtedly the best known progressist in Washington. Vermont's policy and demography are also more friendly with Sanders' opinions than the other Trump era battlefield districts.

While other elected democrats may not ring the alarm using the same rhetoric as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, the growing reaction of Musk and Doge in particular saw some in the party starting to adopt a similar framing to continue the Republicans.

Earlier this week, the governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, spoke during a clear water event, Wisconsin, one of the many places where the Democrats organized town halls in the districts represented by the GOP where the voters expressed their anger against musk inspiration for the federal government.

Walz targeted Trump and Musk and implored the voters of the Wisconsin to present themselves for a key election of the Supreme Court of the State on April 1. He also mentioned the way the party must intensify and resume the confidence of voters on key issues.

“We are going to have to have a conversation that the Democrats, honestly, have bypassed, that the American health system is always incredibly broken in a way that is not used by people,” said Walz. “It's incredibly frustrating.”

For his part, Sanders is not surprised that his longtime message seems to resonate with people through the ideological spectrum:

“Because if you are a republican of the working class, you do not think that it makes a lot of sense to give a billion of dollars in tax alleviation to the richest people of this country, then to reduce the [Department of Veterans Affairs]Go after Social Security and drop $ 800 billion in Medicaid, “he said.” Republican, independent, democrat, very few people think that it has a sense at all. “”




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