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Musk, China and Trump where will it lead?

Musk, China and Trump where will it lead?


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There have been strange reports today, or a strange story, but whatever the truth, it raises really interesting points. First of all, this is what was reported and asserted:

  • Defense officials would have confirmed NBC News Friday Friday that Elon Musk was going to meet at the Pentagon today and included in discussions would be the question of a potential war with China.
  • Xochitl Hinojosa, a previous spokesperson for former prosecutor General Eric Holder, said career officials should share this information with the media because of what was going to be shared. “What is happening here, and everyone needs to be afraid are Pentagon officials ring the alarm,” said Hinojosa CNN. “It doesn't happen on its own. New York Times. Because I'm sure they brought it to the senior most people in the White House and Pentagon and they did nothing about it. »»
  • Donald Trump replied that the Pentagon meeting, which ended up lasting about an hour, would not include anything on China. “They wrongly said that Elon Musk goes to the Pentagon tomorrow to be informed of any potential war with China. To what extent China will not even be mentioned or discussed,” Trump on Trum social on Thursday evening.
  • On the subject of a potential war plan with China, I don't want to show anyone. You know you are talking about a potential war with China, Trump said in the oval office. We do not want to have a potential war with China, but I can tell you, if we did, were very well equipped to manage it.
  • “He's there for Doge, not there for China, and if you've mentioned China, I think he would get out of the room,” Trump also noted.
  • Musk said that he is impatiently awaiting the lawsuits of the people of the Pentagon who fake false information maliciously NOW. “He added:” They will be found. “

Who knows what the meeting really understood? I am inclined to believe that China has not been discussed, and certainly not a war plan in China, for the reasons that Trump mentions. I know that I do not remember the last time I agree with Trump on anything, but the points here are common sense. However, given how much he generally says the opposite of the truth, who knows?

The fact is that any important policy in China could massively affect Tesla (and therefore Elon), and a potential war with China certainly would be. Even more if Xi Jinping sees Musk as coordination with Trump on this subject. Given how much musk has become with Trump, we would assume that Trump would give Musk an advance on such questions.

No matter what has been said or not, however, the big question is what will happen between the United States and China. This could considerably affect the American economy and the repercussions for Tesla in the United States and China could be massive. Even Tesla American cars depend on Chinese manufacturing supplies, but probably much more seriously, Tesla's business in China are already tenuous than competition seems to innovate much faster and is starting to eat in the rather healthy market share of Tesla. A word from Xi Jinping and Tesla Really crash in China. Since China was the largest Tesla market in 2024, representing more than a third of the company's sales, it is a very, very Big problem.

Who knows what's going to come? But this is a subject on which we will watch an eye.

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