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Tragedy under the heel of cybercrime repression

Tragedy under the heel of cybercrime repression


Just before Daybreak on March 2, two police officers rushed around the hamlet of Teliyabas in the village of Raghunathgarh from the district of Alwar to Rajasthan. The Naugaon police, about 5 kilometers away, continued a point on a map. The point, moving quickly, represented the location of an alleged cyber frauder. A cyber-cell integrated into the headquarters of the Alwar police district had sent a tip from the local police on the site of a smartphone involved in a scam.

The continuation of the policies of the point brought them to the door of Razida and Imran Khan, 26 and 27 years old. Not yet completely awake, Razida has opened the door to their single maid house, one in a larger structure of five bedrooms, where the extended family lives. A police officer would have burst and dragged the couple, climbing the two beds in the room to look at the couples storage unit above the bed.

No officer was present. The officer found no phone and started questioning Imran, who, according to people in the neighborhood, is a worker. Police took Imran to their cars, asked if he had a particular smartphone on him. When he said he hadn't done it, they let him go.

When the couple returned, they found Alisba their one -month -old daughter that was immobile in her cover, on the bed on which the policeman had climbed. They realized that she was dead. We realized that the policeman had marked him when he climbed the bed, says Imran.

Mewat like a hub

Teliyabas, which is part of the Mewat region where the three states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh meet, is part of a belt of villages which is a hotspot for cybercriminals, or as the inhabitants call them cyber-pouces. More than 26,000 cases of cybercrime have been deposited in the district of Alwar, many of whom are against men in their twenties. The village, with a population of just over 3,000 people according to the 2011 census, is surrounded by the hills of Aravali and surrounded by rolling fields of wheat and mustard.

On March 16, Nasru Khan, 77, former Minister of the Congress Party and currently a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), driven from Alwar to Teliyabas, 35 km away, picking up Tahir, an influential Maulana in the village of Raghunathgarh. Like the parents of Alisbas, Nasru and Tahir are from the Meo community, traditionally cattle breeders. As soon as the word of the incident reached him, the former minister said that he had run to the Office of the Superintendent of Politicians, where Razida and Imran had arrived, holding the body of Alisbas. Other villagers were supported by ensuring that a first information report (FIR) was filed by citing section 103 (1) by Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for murder.

Each day, the police have made raids, says Nasru in his car, on the way to the village. They work like thugs.

Tahir is more categorical: there is no place where the terror of the police is comparable to this. On the journey of the Maison des Couples, the houses are non -painted structures and in exposed bricks. The buzzing of Naugaon, whose police were involved in the incident, seems distant.

One in five students left school in Alwar, according to data compiled by the Directorate of Economy and Statistics of the Governments of Rajasthan. Nuh, a neighboring district of Haryana, previously known as Mewat, was classified as the most behind in a Niti Aayog report in 2018.

People protest

Near the house, a demonstration is underway. About 40 people, male children and men around the couple age hold signs, demanding justice for the death of infants. Arshad, one of the three Imrans brothers, guides a group in the home house. An incense block burns in front of a broken line wall.

Police at Naugaon station have been absent and has not been to the village since the death of the child. At that time, six police officers, including the resort's house officer, were sent to Alwar lines, but were not suspended.

Imran and Razida Khan in their room in Teliyabas Hamlet, while crying the death of their child. | Photo credit: Sushil Kumar Verma

Imran recounts the blow of incident, while Razida lets escape an occasional weak sob. She couldn't get out of bed for days, says her husband. Their house has become the site of protest and national attention. Brinda Karat, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), came and donated 1 Lakh to the family. Mediapers, local, national and international press flow in.

Even if the tragedy weighs on the family, the Maulana and Arshad wish to establish that they are not cyber-fraudes. Pinch these calluses, insists Arshad, while Imran presents his worn hands. Are they the hands of a cyber-thuggee.

Outside, two police officers assigned to another police station after a tumult on the non-survey of the part of the raids try to obtain a signature on a declaration of witness to the family and certain neighbors. The crowd refuses, saying that they had not recognized some of the names on the list of witnesses.

They tried to have them signed a virgin paper before the FIR was recorded in exchange for 8 to 10 Lakh, known as Nasru, referring to the police officers who initially examined the case. It was before the national projectors of the case. While the police are leaving, Maulana Tahir insists again, a little far from the crowd, everyone does Cyberthuggee in this area.

Cyber ​​Thuggees

In the colony of Raghunathgarh, which is a jet of stones far from Teliyabas, a rally crowd discusses the question of Cyber-Thuggee, and frequently uses the term Olx Wala Kala, referring to a scam on the used list platform. Small quantities in advance are required to be transferred until the victim realizes that they were scammed.

Several villagers talk about how cybercrime is treated: the police obtain a complaint, grabs someone and leads them to the police station. On the way, the crook offers a bridge pot. The police take him and let him go. There is no action in the case, explains Nepal Singh.

These boys are not involved in this kind of work, adds Singh, referring to Imran and his brothers. Three of them break the rocks all day.

Another resident is summoned when the subject of people who admitted to engage in Cyber ​​Thuggee appear. All unemployment, says the man in their twenties, not giving his name, or confirming if he was talking about personal experience. If the police caught the crooks and sent them to prison, would anyone continue to do this job?

Follow -up

At the Cyber ​​Crime Alwars police station, 50 km away, six police officers in the plain with rolled sleeves type on laptops with two long tables. The door is open to let the breeze and laptops enter the cooling stands.

An officer changes between a Google and Microsoft reception box, open up cases and send brief responses. He copies an internet protocol address from a cybercrime report and sticks the number chain on a website. The location appears as Fremont, in California. They use a VPN, he say, sighing, referring to a tool often used both by legally managed companies and by criminals to hide a location of Internet users.

After having escaped two parties of complainants, it is simply not possible that a bank account was done in the name of your sons without its cooperation! Go talk to the bank. Ajay Singh, chief Moharrir (second) of the station, describes the flavors of the Cyber-Fraude scams which have been in vogue in recent months.

We started with OLX scams, he said. After that, there were cases of sextrusions, where a crook will capture a screen recording of a male victim responding to a video call with a naked woman and threatened to publish the video of their friends and her family. Recently, he says, there is a proliferation of commercial scams, where the crooks are suitable for the victims that they will invest their money for unrealistic yields. They even do something as simple as calling a cement supplier, giving it a false order, then sending SMS to say that they transferred, say 10,000 instead of 1,000, asking them to return 9,000. The seller ends up sending the goods and returning the additional money, says Singh.

In a polished wooden office in Alwar, a higher police administrator said that Alwar has witnessed repression against cybercriminals. He says that complaints on the 1930s telephone line that the government is currently promoting audio messages before Alwar telephone calls have reduced a third party in the past year. We even reprimand the neighboring state police involved in such fraud, he said. What about the police by accepting bribes and letting fraudsters leave? If someone has an allegation, he can come forward to the anti-corruption office, he adds.

The officer says that a large part of the mobilization and media coverage of the death of Alsibas was orchestrated, part of the reaction of the repression of the in progress. The autopsy report indicates that there was no visible injury on the daughter, said the officer.

Government promises

Sunil Prasad Sharma, police superintendent of the police in Ramgarh, under the jurisdiction of which the incident occurred, indicates that the investigation is underway and that the autopsy can be shared after the report.

Atur Sahu, an additional police superintendent in Bhiwadi, the investigating officer, does not answer Hindu calls. Dr. Manoj Kumar, who carried out the Alsibas autopsy, refuses to share the details of the case.

On March 17, the Minister of Agriculture of Rajasthans, Kirodi Lal Meena, addressed to the villagers of Teliyabass. In an empty floor covered with carpets and a tent for the dignitary visiting, Mr. Meena promised that if the investigation into this case is not carried out correctly, we will go to New Delhi.

After Mr. Meenas' insurance, the protest tent and the preparations on the ground are demolished, and almost everyone returned home. Imran is sitting at a table at a table, looking away and letting his family answer questions. All that Imran says is that the support of the villagers and the media gives us strength. A speaker starts, announcing the ASR, prayer before sunset. It's only 4 p.m., but the sun is already retiring into the hills. Everyone disperses to pray. There are still a few hours before the rapid Ramzan could be broken.

India National Cybercrime Helpline is 1930.

Published by Sunalini Mathew

Posted – March 22, 2025 08:45 PM IST




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