Once under the spotlight for having encountered Prime Minister Modi on Muslim problems, the engineer Hamid is now held for Nagpur violence | Political pulse news

Mohammad Hamid engineer, founder of the Minorities Democratic Party (MDP), has had a career marked by dramatic twists and turns.
Starting his trip as an employee of the government, Hamid's engineer then took on importance by leading to agitation on the control of a mosque in Nagpur, in confrontation with rival Islamic sects in 2002. His influence has developed since.
However, his career recently took a lively and controversial turn, leading to his arrest on Friday by the Nagpur police, who accused him of prompting the violence which recently broke out in the city following a demonstration by right outfits demanding the razor of the tomb of the emperor Moghal aurangzebes.
In the mid -1960s, Hamid Engineer, a resident of Nagpur, began his career as an engineer in the public works department of the Maharashtra (PWD) governments, which earned him the nickname engineer. A follower of the growing Ahle Sunnat Jamaat, who defends the preservation of traditional Sunni and Soufins practices, the engineer entered community activism in 2002.
In 2002, there was a Sunni mosque in Mominpura, Nagpur, whose control was taken up by the Tablighi Jamaat. We fought to maintain the management of the Ahle Sunnat Jamaats mosque, but we realized that the administration often favored those who suffered from political influence. This led to the creation of Iman Tanzim, said the engineer in one of his speeches.
Founded by engineer in 2002, Iman Tanzim was created as an organization in order to preserve the Sunni practices and identity of Barelvi in India. The organization joined the Barelvi school of thought, a Sunni reform movement which emerged at the end of the 19th century in Bareilly, the hometown of its founder, Ahmed Raza Khan. The Barelvi movement emphasizes a deep reverence for the Prophet and Sufis, and supports religious practices based on sanctuaries.
Although the Barelvi school represents the majority of Muslims in India, it does not have the same level of political prominence as the sects of Sunni Islam.
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Over the years, the engineer has been a faithful criticism of eminent Muslim groups in India, in particular organizations like Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, which follows the theological tradition Deobandi, and the Tablighi Jamaat. His criticisms have often extended to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the famous Freedom Fighter and the Prime Minister of Education of the Union, who is responsible for not doing enough to promote the school of thought of Barelvi, the tradition to which he adheres.
Alarmed by the decline in the political influence of the Ahle Sunnat Jamaat despite the majority of Indian Muslims, the engineer founded the MDP in 2009. His goal was to provide a political platform to the members of the Ahle Sunnat Jamaat. The slogan of the parties, Jo SUFI SANTO KI BAAT KAREGA, Wohi Bharat by Raj Karega (the one who speaks of saints Sufis will govern on India), reflects his ideological accent on the preservation of values and sulfled identity within Indian Islam. Since its training, the MDP has organized demonstrations, in particular calling for action against the accused of having insulted the Prophet, and has challenged elections through India, offering candidates in various states.
The engineer drew national attention in 2015 when he was part of the first delegation of leaders of the Muslim community to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the context of his Sufi awareness after taking office. In a video of the meeting, the engineer was seen by presenting other members of the PM delegation.
During their discussion, the engineer had expressed his concerns about the growing influence of Wahhabi ideology in India as well as key Sunni institutions, warning of his potential dangers. Wahhabism is a conservative and puritan interpretation of Sunni Islam which comes from the 18th century.
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A radical ideology has become dominant on the Sunni Waqf card. Many Sunni institutions have been captured when extremist ideology is promoted. If this ideology takes root in India, it will be very dangerous for the country. We told the PM that the management of the Sunni WAQF board of directors should be given to the Sunnatul Jamaat Ahle. That the Wahhabis have their own Wahhabi Wahhabi card, engineer said to the PM Modi.
Since then, the MDP has challenged the elections in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, but has failed to make important political breakthroughs.
The engineer, however, once again made the headlines when one of his intermediate level officials, Fahim Khan, was accused and arrested by Nagpur police on March 19 for having allegedly certified the violence that broke out in the city. Despite several press conferences to defend Khan, the engineer himself was arrested on Friday for charges to provoke him violence.
Sources 2/ https://indianexpress.com/article/political-pulse/hamid-engineer-nagpur-violence-pm-modi-meeting-muslim-issues-9900455/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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