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China shows a new powerful technology that could paralyze American military domination in future wars

China shows a new powerful technology that could paralyze American military domination in future wars


China has revealed a revolutionary high-sea cable cutting device which could break up the underwater communication lines around the world.

The tool could operate as deep as four kilometers under the waves – twice as much as the maximum depth to which telecommunications cables can operate.

The device was designed specifically to integrate with submersible high -tech crew vehicles from China, according to South China Morning Post – but its unveiling marks a worried breakthrough in the eyes of the West.

The new brand the first time that any country has officially confirmed its ability to eliminate submarine cables – 870,000 miles in the world – and follows a series of Sabotages linked to China in European waters.

Submarine cable card

870,000 miles of submarine cables exist worldwide

Wikimedia Commons

In November 2024, a Chinese ship would have “under the orders of Russia” would have sabotaged a pair of critical internet cables in the Baltic Sea.

This ship, identified by Denmark like the Yi Peng 3, cut the cables when it dragged its anchor along the seabed on more than 100 miles.

Then, in January of this year, another Chinese ship was accused of having harmed an underwater telecommunications cable off the coast of Taiwan.

The Taiwanese defense expert Ho Cheng-Hui, noted after this incident that China has a long story of use of various maritime tactics to sabotage Taiwanese infrastructure.

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Chinese navy

The new Chinese navy tool could work as deep as four kilometers under the waves


HO also warned that cable damage may be a Chinese attempt to test the limits of any international response as part of its “gray zone” tactics.

The newly insufficient cable cutter, developed by the China Ship Scientific Research Center and the State Key Laboratory of vehicles inhabited on the high seas, targets the “armored cables”.

The said cables are communication lines with steel, rubber and polymer housings – and constitute the overwhelming majority of global data transmissions.

The researchers insisted that the tools existed for “civil rescue” and the use of the exploitation of the seabed.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is expressed during an event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the message to the compatriots of Taiwan in the great people of the people

Concerns has increased in recent years that Xi Jinping forces could cut cables in the southern China Sea in the event of a conflict


But with Beijing's eyes on the Southern China Sea, which contains a selection of key American bases, concerns have increased in recent years that the second world economy could reduce cables in the event of conflict.

Kenny Huang, Managing Director of Taiwan Network Information Center, told Bloomberg from 2022 that cables were an “Achilles heel” in Taiwan.

Meanwhile, in recent days have warned infrastructure threats closer to their home.

Alan Mendoza, Executive Director of the Think Tank of the Henry Jackson Society, told GB News: “If China maintains a workforce on our national security infrastructure, this could leave Britain without a defense.”




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