Donald Trump approval note: see the latest polls

Bernie Sanders, AOC rally in Temple, call Arizona Gop
Senator Bernie Sanders and representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gathered in Arizona on March 21, 2025. The Democrats called the Trump administration.
President Trump’s approval rating is currently between 46% and 49% according to Trump's approval rating.
President Donald Trump and his administration continued to make changes and progress to campaign promises, trigger new judicial battles and affect his presidential approval rating.
Trump had a busy week. He published the remaining files on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He also fought with the courts on deportations. He continued to work on the expansion of prices. In addition, the administration has rehired thousands of employees and worked on a ceasefire in Russia and Ukraine. Trump signed a long -term executive decree on Thursday aimed at dismantling the Ministry of Education.
Here is what you need to know about Trump's approval rating, including how they are decided and how Trump's notes compare to his first mandate and his former presidents.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating?
Here are the latest approval notes published on Trump administration on March 21.
The ANNBC news survey has shown that Trump with a 47% approval rating that corresponds to its highest level in one of the network polls in one or the other of its terms. The survey also shows that 44% of registered voters seeing the nation on the right track, the highest note since 2004, and its 46% personal favorability rating, also its highest in one or the other term. The most recent survey of the economist, updated on March 13, shows that 46% of the registered voters interviewed had a favorable opinion of Trump and 51%. Pollipdated on March 19 saw Trump with a score of 44% favorable and 53% unfavorable at the national level. The most recent / IPSO Retesters survey
The figures are also distinguished from the notes of the Democratic Party, which show that 27% of voters looking at it favorably. This is the lowest favorability of the parts of the survey in 1990.
Democrats behaved badly in ACNN Pollthat said that only 29% of respondents considered them favorably. This corresponds to the lowest note in the survey at 1992.
How is Trump's approval comparison compared to his 1st mandate?
Trump obtained a final approval rating of 34% when he left office in 2021. The average service of his first mandate was on average 41%.
How does Trump's approval rating compare with previous presidents? Joe Biden -40% Donald Trump (First Mandate) -34% Barack Obama- 59% George W. Bush -34% Bill Clinton -66% George HW Bush -56% Ronald Reagan -63% Jimmy Carter- 34% Gerald Ford -53% Richard Nixon -24% Areproval?
The GALLUP data agency notes that these approval ratings are a “simple, but very powerful measure which has played a key role in politics for over 70 years”.
An approval rating of the presidents reflects the percentage of Americans interviewed who approve of the performance of the presidents. Everything can have an impact on the rating of a president, such as the legislation adopted, the actions and the elections.
According to Teabc News, an approval rating represents not only how the administration is for the general public, but could determine the result of a next election for a politician or how much they are made during their mandate.
Although these notes are easy to understand, some analysts think that they are not as useful as they were due to extreme partisanry and the polarized political climate.
According to the Thepew Research Center, the presidential approval assessments have always been a supporter, the members of the presidents' party offering more positive assessments than those of the opposing party, according to Thepew Research Center. But the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats on the president's opinions have increased considerably in recent decades.
Journalists from the USA TODAY Maria Francis and Nate TRELA network contributed to this article.
Sources 2/ https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2025/03/22/donald-trump-current-approval-rating/82578118007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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