Trump revokes security authorizations for political opponentsExBulletin

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are held before sending former president Joe Biden and Jill Biden to board a marine helicopter en route to the Andrews common base after the inauguration on January 20, at the American Capitol in Washington. Evan VUCCI / AP HIDE LEGEND
Babinet Legend Evan VUCCI / AP
President Trump said he had revoked security authorizations from more than a dozen political adversaries, including former President Biden, former Vice-President Harris and several former leaders of the Biden administration.
In a presidential memorandum published on Saturday, Trump said that it was “no longer in the national interest” that the named individuals have access to classified information that a removal of criticism consider as reprisals for Biden's decision to overtake Trump in 2021 due to concerns about what Biden described as “erratic behavior” of Trump.
The list of people affected goes beyond Biden and its administration, targeting the figures involved in the first trial of Trump's dismissal, notably Fiona Hill, Norm Eisen and Alexander Vindman. Former Secretaries of State Antony Blinken and Hillary Clinton are also appointed.
He also includes legal personalities such as the Prosecutor General of New York Letitia James and the Manhattan district prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, who both pursued high -level legal affairs against Trump. Two republican criticisms of Trump, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who both sat on the restricted committee of the Chamber investigating the January 6 attack on the American Capitol were also included in the memo.
Several former civil servants have its savings as meaningful
The practical effects of the decision are probably minimal. Security clearances for former civil servants are generally revoked after their departure from the functions unless they continue to engage in national security issues. Many of those on the list have not had active authorizations for years.
In an article on X, Eisen, a former special advisor to the Chamber's Judicial Committee who supervised the investigation into Trump's dismissal in 2019, wrote: “It was like the third time that he announced that he reveals my security authorization, I mean, he reveals it [and] Then I give it back so that he can revoke it again? Who does he think is, a large law firm or a billionaire who will go back? It just makes me deposit even more prosecution! “”
Vindman, a former head of the National Security Council who testified in the hearings of Trump's dismissal, also rejected the gesture as meaningless: “I am not a weak billionaire or a massive law firm, so I don't care what @realdonaldtrump noises cause a security authorization that has not been active for five years.”
Mark Zaid, a lawyer whose authorization has also been revoked, expressed similar skepticism, writing ” [Beetlejuice] Something where something magic will happen now? “”
Sources 2/ https://www.npr.org/2025/03/22/nx-s1-5337218/trump-revokes-security-clearances-biden-clinton The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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