Trump urges Brad Schimel support for the Supreme Wisconsin Court
Friday evening, President Donald Trump urged Wisconsinites to vote for the conservative candidate of the Supreme Court of the State Brad Schimel in the next elections, an announcement that Schimel quickly proclaimed represented an approval of the Republican president.
The position of social media has marked the first time that the president has weighed on the race which will decide whether the Liberals or the Conservatives control the High Court.
In an article on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump urged Wisconsinites to vote against Schimel before the April 1 elections.
Calling on the opponent of Schimel, Susan Crawford, a “radical liberal left”, Trump wrote that the early vote for Schimel would help “respect the rule of law, to protect our incredible police, to guarantee our beloved constitution, to protect our inalienable rights and to preserve freedom and justice for all.”
Schimel has been succeeding in approval for several weeks.
He said at a press conference on Thursday that he had been in contact with the Trump campaign in recent weeks on approval. Earlier this year, Schimel attended the inauguration of Trump.
Schimel's campaign announced the position as an approval from the president.
“I am humiliated and deeply honored to receive the approval of our president,” said Schimel in a statement. “The challenges of this race could not be higher. On April 1, Wisconsin Conservatives had to unite to restore objectivity to our Supreme Court and save our state as if we saved our country in November. The work is not done. We cannot allow the success of the Americas to bypass Wisconsin.”
Friday evening, the spokesperson for the Crawford campaign labeled Schimel “a corrupt politician”.
“Schimel has spent his whole career on the folded knee for specific right-wing interests, we assumed that he had made this approval lock up months ago,” said spokesman Derrick Honeyman. “Schimel said he wanted to be a” support network “for Trump and that the Supreme Wisconsin Court” Féréré “Trump in 2020. Wisconsinites will reject Brad Schimel again on April 1.”
Last month, Schimel said he was expecting Trump to give him the president’s official support. He told a group of Jefferson County Republicans that the Supreme Court had “messed up”, something he said that Trump would not forget.
The nominally non -partisan breed is widely considered as a referendum on the first two months of the first month.
Billionaire Elon Musk, who worked with Trump in his efforts to cut the size of the federal government, tried to connect Schimel and the president. A Mailer paid by Elon Musk's Super PAC said: “The curator Brad Schimel will support President Trump's agenda!”
Schimel also tried to bind to Trump, recently appearing at an event in front of an oversized inflatable Trump with his high fist and a Schimel Supreme Court voting on his chest. Schimel also told a group of paintings in Waukesha county this month, which he had to be elected to provide a support network for Trump.
Despite this, Schimel said that if Trump had a case before him, Schimel would treat the president in the same way as someone else.
Overall, two groups linked to Musk America PAC and the construction of the future of America spent more than $ 12 million for television and digital advertisements, sender and the participation rate.
The State Republican Party has published a statement announcing the publication of Trump's social media.
“The approval by President Donald J. Trump of judge Brad Schimel will draw more attention to this critical election to save Wisconsin and America,” the statement said.
Contact Daniel Bice at (414) 313-6684 ordbice@jrn.com. Follow it on X at @ Danielbiceor on Facebook ATFB.ME/daniel.bice.
Alison Dirr can be contacted at adirr@jrn.com.
Sources 2/ https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2025/03/21/president-donald-trump-urges-support-for-brad-schimel-for-supreme-court/82605111007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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