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Trump revokes legal status for 530,000 immigrants in the United States | Donald Trump News

Trump revokes legal status for 530,000 immigrants in the United States | Donald Trump News


Cubans, Haitians, Nicaragues and Venezuelans could be expelled from April 24.

The President of the United States, Donald Trumps, the administration will revoke the temporary legal status of 530,000 people, including Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans in the United States, according to a federal register.

This decision, the latest expansion of Trumps' repression against immigration, is in force from April 24 and interrupts a two -year parole granted to immigrants under former president Joe Biden who enabled them to enter the country by plane if they had American sponsors.

A group of American citizens and immigrants continued the Trump administration for ending the humanitarian parole and seeking to restore programs for the four nationalities.

Biden launched the Entrance program for parole for the Venezuelans in 2022 and extended it to Cubans, Haitians and Nicaraguens in 2023 while his administration was struggling with high levels of undocumented immigration of these nationalities. Diplomatic and political relations between the four countries and the United States have been tense.

The new legal paths came while Biden also tried to repress illegal passages on the American-Mexican border.

Trump, who campaigned on a severe anti-immigration line, has taken immediate measures to accelerate the application after taking up his duties, including pressure to expel a record number of people who live in the United States without official documentation.

He argued that the programs of conditional legal liberation launched under his Democratic predecessor exceeded the limits of federal law, and he called for their dismissal in an executive decree of January 20.

Its administration decision to remove the legal status of half a million immigrants could make many vulnerable to expulsion if they choose to stay in the United States.

We still do not know how many people who have entered the country in parole now have another form of protection or legal status.

In an opinion which should be officially published in the Federal Register on Monday, the American Department of Internal Security said that the revocation of the status of parole would facilitate the place of these immigrants in an accelerated expulsion process known as the accelerated dismissal.

Karen Tumlin, director of the Immigrant Rights Group, Justice Action Center Center, said the Trump administration had a commitment that the federal government had made to the hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their sponsors in the United States.

Suddenly, revoking the legal status of hundreds of thousands of recipients from parole for humanitarian a humanitarian liberation of the CHNV (Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuees) will cause unnecessary chaos and sorrow for families and communities across the country, she told the AFP press agency in a press release.

Nicolette Glazer, an immigration lawyer in California, said the last order would affect the vast majority of half-million immigrants who entered the United States as part of the CHNV program. Chaos will be unreal, she added on X.

On March 6, Trump said that he would also decide very soon to withdraw the conditional release status from some 240,000 Ukrainians who fled in the United States during the war with Russia.

As part of a Trump era policy implemented in January, an accelerated abolition can be applied to certain immigrants in the United States for two years or less.

In the meantime, Venezuela has concluded an agreement to resume theft of repatriation of the United States, the Venezuelan government said on Saturday in a statement. Migration is not a crime, and we will not rest until all those who wish to return are back and we save our brothers kidnapped in Salvador, according to the press release.




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