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Donald Trump among presidential favorites in 2028 despite a limit in two terms

Donald Trump among presidential favorites in 2028 despite a limit in two terms


President Donald Trump is the second favorite to win the 2028 presidential election, although he is constitutionally ineligible to present himself for a third term, according to a Leader bookmaker.

William Hill gives ratings of Trump 5/1 (16.7%) to have won the 2028 presidential competition, behind only vice-president JD Vance. However, a political scientist told Newsweek that the prospect of a constitutional amendment allowing the holder to withdraw is “Pure Maga Fantasy”.

Newsweek contacted the White House press office to comment on Saturday by e-mail outside regular office hours.

Why it matters

In November, Trump obtained a second term of the White House after having convincingly defeated the president of the time, Kamala Harris, during the presidential election, receiving 312 electoral votes against the 226 of the Democrat and won the popular vote for the first time.

Since Trump's victory – when he has become the second president of the American history to be elected to a non -consecutive term – a number of his allies have suggested that he should present himself in 2028, including his former chief strategist of the White House, Steve Bannon. Trump himself has made jokes repeatedly to run for a third term.

What to know

In the side sent to Newsweek on March 21, William Hill gave Trump a 5/1 chance of winning the president's election in 2028, just behind Vance on 5/2 (28.6%).

The president and vice-president were followed by Trump's eldest son Donald Trump Jr., on the ratings 9/1 (10%). Two Democratic governors – Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania and Gavin Newsom from California – stuck the first five with ratings 9/1 and 10/1 odds (9.1%), respectively.

Trump is not eligible to serve a third term as president due to the 22nd amendment, which – in 1951 – imposed a limit in two terms on any person elected to the president's office.

The 22nd amendment says: “No one will be elected to the president's office more than twice, and no one who has held the post of president or acted as president, for more than two years of a mandate to which another person was elected president will be elected to the post of president more than once.”

President Donald Trump addresses journalists from the White House in Washington, DC, on March 21. President Donald Trump addresses journalists from the White House in Washington, DC, on March 21. Bryan Dozier / Middle East Images / AFP / Getty

The congress can request an amendment to the Constitution with a two -thirds majority vote in the two chambers. Two -thirds of all state legislatures can also call for an amendment, which would trigger a constitutional convention. To be adopted, the proposed amendment would then need the support of three quarters of all American states.

As the Republicans have neither two -thirds of the majority in one or the other Congress Chamber nor the control of two thirds of the legislatures of the States, it would be impossible for them to pass even the first of these obstacles without democratic support.

William Hill gave chances of 5/2 on Trump to repeal the 22nd amendment and took place for a third term before 2029.

During a speech at the annual New York Young Republican Club gala in December, Bannon argued that Trump could arise for a third term because the 22nd amendment applied only under consecutive conditions, although this interpretation was not widely kept.

What people say

A spokesman for William Hill told Newsweek: “He will certainly not sail for Donald Trump if he tries to repeal the 22nd amendment in order to present himself for a third term as president (5/2 to do so before 2029), but taking into account his strength of support in the Chamber and the Senate, he may be tempted to try.

“Trump Ally Steve Bannon predicted this week that the potus would present itself for a third term and would win, so there is certainly a feeling that this could be possible, and we do not take any chance because we have installed it on our next president at 5/1, behind JD Vance favorite.”

Thomas Gift, who heads the Center on American Policy at the University College of London, told Newsweek: “Trump could see himself as a king, and many of his closest allies, including Steve Bannon, can float the possibility of a race in 2028.

“But it is just a tactic to strengthen its political capital, display its current power and keep its grip on the GOP as long as possible. A constitutional amendment to eliminate the limit of two terms is a pure fantasy of Maga – requiring overwhelming support for the congression and the level of the state which is simply not in the cards.”

Dafydd Townley, an expert in American policy who teaches at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, told Newsweek: “It would be ironic that the Republicans succeed in repealing the 22nd amendment to allow Trump a third term, when he was brought by the Republicans to ensure that Harry Truman was not elected for four terms as a predecessor Delano Roosevelt.

“The repeal would be exceptionally long in terms of progress by congress and the ratification of states. [Thirty-eight] States would be necessary to ratify the amendment, and currently only 23 are identified as being controlled by the Republicans. …

“Of course, if the 22nd amendment was repealed, this could not only set up a third Trump administration but also a third Obama administration. Republicans should be careful what they want.”

What happens next

For a realistic chance to repeal the 22nd amendment, the Republicans should make major gains in the mid-term elections in 2026 or persuade a substantial number of democrats to support constitutional change.




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