Aamir Khan remembers that Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar Shoot Days, reveals that the actor is badtameez on the set

Last update: March 21, 2025, 13:52 Ist
The film with Deepak Tijori, Mamik Singh, Ayesha Jhulka, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Imran Khan and Kiran Zaveri.
Aamir Khan talks about Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar
Aamir Khan Starrer Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar is considered one of the cult classics. The romantic drama always impresses the public with its script and its songs. But did you know that Aimir Khan has done a lot of problems during the filming of the film? Yes, you read correctly. The actor revealed that some actors were badtamez on sets.
During a conversation with just too cinematographic, Aamir Khan mentioned that the film had a different casting and that it was changed later. The film was therefore Rehot. He also revealed that the challenges did not stop there. The film had extremely badly involved actors on the set. 4 actors the aur woh bahot badtameez les (there were four other actors who were very sick). I will not take their names, but they caused us a lot of problems. I told Mansoor, if we close 80% of the film, allows you to remove these four and resume the whole film. I cannot tolerate them again, “he was quoted.
The film was shot twice. We filmed for 60 to 70 days in Ooty and Kodaikanal. We came back, and after two months, Mansoor called me and told me that the character Devikas does not work. At that time, Devika was played by another actress. She was a wonderful girl and a very good actress, but Mansoor felt that she did not have the natural arrogance that the role required, “said Aamir.
So when Pooja Bedi went on board, the film rested as he was revolving around his character. The film with Deepak Tijori, Mamik Singh, Ayesha Jhulka, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Imran Khan and Kiran Zaveri.
On the Labor Front, Aamir Khan was seen for the last time at Laal Singh Chaddha with Kareena Kapoor Khan. The film failed to perform well at the box office. The actor should now make a return with Sitaare Zameen by. He will also showcase Darsheel Safary and Genelia Deshmukh in key roles. He is currently making the front page of the newspapers for his relationship with Gauri.Aamir Khan was first married to Reena Dutta, with whom he made the knot in 1986. He has two children with her: Ira Khan and Junaid Khan. The couple divorced in 2002. Later, Khan married filmmaker Kiran Rao in 2005 and 2021, they announced their separation. They also have a son, Azad, who was born by a substitution maternity. Aamir Khan shares a good link with his ex-women, Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao. They remain in cordial terms.
Aamir Khan news films remembers that Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar Shoot Days, reveals the players badtameez on the set
Sources 2/ https://www.news18.com/movies/aamir-khan-recalls-jo-jeeta-wohi-sikandar-shoot-days-reveals-actors-being-badtameez-on-set-9269435.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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