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The White House supported by the submission of a large law firm attacked by Trump | Trump administration

The White House supported by the submission of a large law firm attacked by Trump | Trump administration


Inside the White House, Donald Trump's advisers revel in their ability to intimidate Paul, Weiss one of the largest law firms in the United States and see his president criticizing a former partner while he was trying to appease the American president to cancel an executive decree that threatened the firms to operate.

Trump released a decree last week that suspended law firms from having security authorizations, dismissed one of his federal government contracts and prevented his employees from entering the federal government's buildings for national security reasons.

This decree was withdrawn Thursday after Trump decided that he had obtained major concessions and that the president of Weiss, Brad Karp, expressed criticism at Mark Pomerantz, who had tried to build a criminal case against Trump at the Manhattan District Prosecutors.

As part of the agreement, the firm also undertook to provide $ 40 million in free legal services in the next four years to cause Trump champions and accepted an audit of its employment procedures to destroy any diversity, equity and inclusion of recruitment initiatives.

The most extraordinary part of the agreement, widely considered humiliating for Paul, Weiss, was that Trump had made no explicit request from the company, according to two people with direct knowledge of the case. The commitments and in particular the sacrifice of Pomerantz were offered proactively by Karp at a meeting of the White House this week, people said.

The agreement has marked a new important chapter in Trumps' reprisal campaign against several best law firms which he considers to have supported efforts to continue him during his time out of his functions and how he used the power of the presidency to bring them to Talon.

This raises the perspective that Trump and his advisers, victorious on Paul, Weiss, will now feel embarrassing to launch similar strikes against companies that work with the administration. After withdrawing the decree, some aids have sworn in private that a precedent had been put in place.

He also pointed out how Trump fractured the legal industry as he struggles to be behind a singular strategy. Paul, Weiss chose to negotiate instead of following Perkins Coie, who was punished for once by employing a lawyer linked to the 2016 Hillary Clintons campaign.

The agreement with Paul, Weiss materialized in recent days in several amazing movements that neither a large law firm of his ilk nor a president may never have been confronted, said the people.

Trumps prescription targeting Paul, Weiss took Washington by surprise, because he came two days after a Washington Federal Judge judged that the almost identical order against Perkins Coie was probably unconstitutional and issued a temporary prohibition order which prevented him from taking effect.

But Trump was not more and more discouraged by the unfavorable decisions of the Court at the start of his second term, and announced that he was punishing Paul, Weiss for his ties with Pomerantz and another lawyer who brought a complaint against the rioters of the Capitol on January 6.

The order was vast and threatened to cause sustainable damage to Paul, Weiss' ability to operate. His lawyers need security authorizations to examine sensitive contracts and documents in question for his clients, and be denied entry into government buildings could include federal courthouses.

During the weekend, Paul's management, Weiss summoned meetings during which they discussed possible answers, in particular to conclude concessions with Trump or to keep William Burck, the co-management partner of the firm Quinn Emanuel, to represent them in a trial against Trump.

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As Paul, Weiss prepared for the possibility of having to go to court, he also continued a strategy for the canal back with Trump and his collaborators personally and offered an agreement at the start of the week.

Trumps' advisers knew they were in a relative strength on Paul, Weiss because the company had already started losing customers following the decree, said the people. Paul, Weiss revealed in court documents this week that Steven Schwartz, the former legal director of Cognizant Technologies, had drawn the business in a case.

Karp went to the White House on Wednesday to deliver his proposal, which included the condemnation of Pomerantz to Trump and a tight circle of advisers, in particular the chief of staff Susie Wiles, the envoy Steve Witkoff and the personal council of presidents Boris Epshteyn.

During the meeting of approximately an hour, Trump also called Robert Giuffra by Sullivan and Cromwell, the head of one of Paul, Weisss Direct competitor, to ask him for his contribution. In the end, Trump accepted the agreement, but inserted what seems to have been a last surprise humiliation.

The language that Karp was conducted ostensibly with the White House made no mention of Pomerantz and Dei, according to a person familiar with the question. But when Trump announced the agreement on social networks, he included a declaration by the White House which said Karp had recognized the reprehensible acts of Pomerrantz.




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