The American report exposes the corruption of Chinese leaders

In 2024, the XIS family retained millions of commercial interests and financial investments. Although the available data does not connect investments directly to XI, these assets may be managed indirectly in the name of XIS.
Washington, DC: On March 21, 2025, Ms. Tulsi Gabbard, US National Intelligence Director (DNI), published the results of long -awaited information report Called, wealth and corrupt activities of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. The non -classified DNI report provides information on the wealth and corrupt activities of the Government of the RPC, the Chinese Communist Party (CCC) and its leaders.
Context of the report: the US Congress and President Biden signed 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) On December 23, 2022, which included a task for the DNI in coordination with the Secretary of State to complete the report in a year (not later at the end of 2023) which would include details on the wealth and corrupt activities of the following civil servants: the secretary general of the Communist Standard Committee and any other secret of the Central Committee. In total, the law of the NDAA 2023 instructed the DNI of these five tasks:
* Dry. 6501. Report on the wealth and corrupt activities of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
* Dry. 6502. Identification and threat assessment of companies with investments by the People's Republic of China.
* Dry. 6503. Work group of the intelligence community to monitor the economic and technological capacities of the People's Republic of China.
* Dry. 6504. Annual report on rehabilitation camps concentrated in the Uighur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang of the People's Republic of China.
* Dry. 6505. Evaluations for the production of semiconductors by the People's Republic of China.
The wealth and corruption report was a year and a half late. Neither the precedents of DNI, April Haines nor the Biden administration gave a reason not to publish the study while it was due to the congress at the end of 2023. They also did not give a reason not to have planned it before leaving the functions on January 20, 2025.
The DNI report on wealth and corruption describes the structural problems of a single party state and how this structure encourages corruption at all levels of the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and throughout the PCC. The report underlines the fact that corruption in China is mainly due to structural characteristics which centralize power, avoid independent checks or responsibility in particular at the provincial level and produce[s] Perverse incentives for political advancement and financial enrichment. In fact, the report claims that according to an academic study of the PRC of an RPC city, that 8 to 65% of civil servants relaxing civil servants have designed an unofficial income of corruption or transplant; A separate study and a survey on public perceptions both estimated that Half of Chinese officials have engaged in corruptionespecially at local levels (accent on the author). In addition, the report added that another academic analysis of the Corruption PRC concluded that corruption could increase the legal profits of a civil servant four to six times.
Investigation authorities
The Central Commission for the Inspectorate of the Discipline (CCDI) and the National Supervision Commission are organizations which mainly investigate corruption. These organizations are part of the PCC, which makes the entire highly political and not transparent process. The DNI report noted that these investigation organizations work directly for their party committees and are missing[ed] Independent external surveillance, allowing them to pursue anti-corruption cases in an often arbitrary manner.
The DNI report pointed out that from 2012 to 2022, these two organizations investigated nearly five million people in the PCR and PCC government and declared 4.7 million guilty officials. More recently, in 2024, the anti-corruption campaign targeted more than fifty senior officials. These statistics are correlated with the CPR legal system where, according to a recent New York Times articleCriminal conviction rates are 99% and the new plea key system introduced in 2018, has a conviction of 90%.
The report notes that Xi Jinping initially used corruption accusations to target its political rivals or those associated with its competitors. The analysis later by the PRC academics concluded that after ten years, the anti-corruption campaign did not exclusively pursue any specific faction. Even the officials associated with XI, the senior officials considered to be faithful to XI and who had increased under his patronage, were not exempt from accusations of corruption.
In addition, the report referred to another RPC study that cases of criminal corruption at the top of the bureaucratic hierarchy were very high and, among the accused of a crime, more than 80% of the accusations involved corruption.
Investigation research on corruption and wealth noted the following cases:
* Prime Minister Wen Jiabaos Family as his mother, his wife, his son and his brothers and sisters checked assets of at least 2.7 billion dollars in 2012. Likewise, the brothers and sisters, the nieces and the nephews held assets worth more than a billion dollars in commercial and real estate investments.
* The entrant president Xi Jinping may have urged family members to give up the assets when he came to power. However, industry research provides evidence that in 2024, the XIS family retains millions of commercial interests and financial investments. Although the available data does not connect investments directly to XI, these assets may be managed indirectly in the name of XIS.
Journalistic research in 2012 did not identify investments specifically linked to the leaders themselves, and has not revealed a direct influence of leaders contributing to growth in family investments. However, their high -level positions would have granted access to privileged information and both private actions and published by companies could have provided family assets because of their links with people with political power. After the publication of this research, China has tightened information controls and limited access to numerous foreign press organizations, which continues to question public research on issues of corruption of senior leaders or personal wealth.
Within the CPC Central Committee, the report underlined the following cases:
* In 2020, Zhang Wei, a Chinese businessman, was arrested to organize, direct and participate in organized crime; illegal detention; and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. He was also found guilty in 2021 to have illegally absorbed public deposits.
* Chen Gang, a former member of the first group of members of the Chinese Association for Sciences and Technology, was accused in 2019 of accepting more than $ 18 million in gable, some of which were probably associated with its role in the supervision of construction projects on the city level for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
* In April 2024, Yao Qian, director of supervision of the department of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CRSC), was the subject of a survey for serious violations of the discipline and law, perhaps for its role in the initiative of the digital currency of the Central Bank of Chinas. The CCDI studied at least 16 people in the CRSC, six of these investigations occurring in 2024.
The DNI report pointed out that corruption in the Peoples' Liberation Army (PLA) continues, as a culture of pre-promotion compensation, even after Xi implemented an anti-corruption campaign more than a decade ago: in 2024, XI stressed in a speech to military commanders that barrels of firearms should always be loyalty and loyalty and loyalty pleated with the part, the part of the part, the folding, the folding of the part, on the part of the part, its overhaul, its commitment, from life to the part of the part, the part, the additional implementation, its commitment to the part of the part of the part of the part, the part, its additional redesign, its commitment, the chest of the part, part, part, soldiers, in particular.
The report assumed that a probable reason XI is focused on laser on the fight against PLA, is that corruption practices will prevent the military from acquiring the capacities and the preparation he ordered to carry it out by 2027, in preparation for a potential conflict on Taiwan.
The report ends with a list of well -known corruption cases within the Central Military Commission (CMC) and APL:
* In 2023, China removed General Li Shangfu, then the Minister of National Defense, investigating Li and his predecessor after arresting the commander of the Rocket Pla (PLARF) and at least nine other current or former members of the Plarf.
* In 2024, Beijing launched an investigation into Admiral Miao Hua, then director of the political work department of central military commissions and in charge of political loyalty within the Armed Forces of Chinas.
* Li and Miao were accused of violations of the party discipline, and the two were considered as XI protégés, demonstrating the seriousness of the concerns of the CCPS concerning loyalty and efficiency in particular in the plaque of the scope of the approach of the regimes of corruption.
We can only assume that the classified version of this report has more details and could be a serious embarrassment for the PCC and the management of the PRC. The report admits that it does not provide a detailed list of the wealth and corruption activities of individuals, the Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party and senior officials from the Central Committee management, the Politburo, the Permanent Committee of the Politburo and any other secretary of the Regional Party, as indicated by Law 2023 of the NDAA.
Information in the DNI unlimited report refers obliquely to the Open Source 2012 researchers published in Bloomberg News (Michael Forsythe was then dismissed for his reports), New York Times (David Barboza won the Pulitzer Prize for his international reports), New York,, Washington Timesand other sources accessible to the mainly reliable public. Therefore, we wonder why intelligence analysts have not included more details available from these open sources? Perhaps these more sensitive details and others are retained as guarantees for future American negotiations of the PRC or to be revealed if necessary?
* Guermantes Lailari is a fellowship invited to the National University of Chengchi, Taipei, Taiwan (Roc).
Sources 2/ https://sundayguardianlive.com/top-five/u-s-report-exposes-corruption-of-the-chinese-leadership The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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