Lankaweb – PM Narendra Modi to visit Sri Lanka on April 5 to finalize the key agreements, explains the Dissanayake president
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Sri Lanka on April 5 to finalize the key agreements, said President Dissanayake Posted March 22, 2025
With the kind authorization of Hindu times
The Minister of Health, Nalinda Jayathissa, said that Sri Lanka and India had entered into an agreement last month to establish solar power plants in the island nation.
Sri Lankan president Anura Kumara, Dissanayake announced on Friday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will go to the country on April 5.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake during his visit to New Delhi in December 2024. (X- Narendra Modi)
The announcement was made during its declaration to the Parliament, according to the Portal de Nouvelles
While speaking in Parliament, the Dissanayake president also said that Modi would finalize the agreements concluded during his visit to Delhi last year. He also confirmed that the construction of the Sampur power plant in Trincomalee will begin during the visit of the Indian Prime Minister.
The Minister of Health, Nalinda Jayathissa, said that Sri Lanka and India had entered into an agreement last month to establish solar power plants in the island nation.
A consensus was reached between the government of Sri Lanka and the government of India to establish a capacity of solar power plants of 50 megawatts (step 1) and 70 megawatt (Stade 2) in Sampur in Trincomalee on the basis of construction, property and exploitation by Ceylan Electricity Board and National Thermal Power Corporation Jayathissa said Jayathissa.
Earlier, the India National Thermal Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) was to build a coal -fired power plant in the same place. However, the new joint venture will now convert the site into a solar power plant.
After taking office in September 2024, Dissanayake visited New Delhi in December 2024. During the visit, he was organized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and the two leaders discussed the links, in particular in the light of increasing concerns concerning the influence of China in the region.
Modi has said that India and Sri Lanka would establish connectivity of the electricity network and a multi-product oil pipeline to improve investments and trade relations.
Dissanayake also met the Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and the National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. During a press briefing, he assured that Sri Lanka would not be used in any way that could affect India interests.
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