Trump suggests “terrorist thugs” in Tesla's criminal fire attack.

President Donald Trump suggested that Tesla condemned incendiaries are serving their expected sentences from decades in Salvador prisons.
“I can't wait to see the sick terrorist thugs undergo 20 years of prison sentences for what they do in Elon Musk and Tesla,” Trump Social Trump on Friday.
“Perhaps they could serve them in the prisons of El Salvador, which have become so recently famous for such beautiful conditions!” The president added.
Trump warns against the prison sentence for Tesla Vandals, whoever finances the attacks: “We are looking for you !!!”
President Donald Trump speaks to journalists before climbing the Marine One at the White House on March 21, 2025 in Washington, DC (Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images)
The message occurs while the FBI investigates an increase in attacks on vehicles and Tesla facilities at the national level of internal terrorism, because the company of Trump's adviser, Elon Musk, has become the target of demonstrators and criminal fires.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration is also faced with a decline before the Federal Court for Expulsion Flights to El Salvador. Salvado -ran President Nayib Bukele announced last week that the first 238 alleged members of the Venezuelan criminal organization, Tren of Aragua, a terrorist group designated in the United States, had arrived, publishing a video of Salvadoran troops transferring planes to his terrorism confinement center, known as Cecot. He said they would remain for a year, although it is “renewable”.
The American general prosecutor Pamela Bondi announced Thursday three people accused of the use of Molotov cocktails to install the fire on Tesla cars and the load terminals.
“The days to commit crimes without consequences have ended,” said Bondi in a statement. “Whether it is a warning: if you join this wave of inner terrorism against the properties of Tesla, the Ministry of Justice will put you behind bars.”
The Ministry of Justice said that an accused, also armed with an AR-15 rifle removed, had been arrested after allegedly launched approximately eight Molotov cocktails at a Tesla dealership in Salem, Oregon. Another was arrested in Loveland, Colorado, after pretending to light Teslas on fire with Molotov cocktails. The authorities said that the defendant was then found in possession of materials used to produce additional incendiary weapons.
A member of the Seattle fire service inspects a Tesla Cybertruck burned in a Tesla lot in Seattle, Monday March 10, 2025. (AP photo / Lindsey Wasson, file)
In Charleston, in South Carolina, a third accused wrote “profane messages” against Trump around Tesla stations before lighting fire stations with Molotov cocktails, the Ministry of Justice said.
Tesla vehicles, targeted concessionaires with criminal fire, shots and vandalism in at least 9 states: FBI
The DoJ said that each defendant risks serious charges with a minimum sentence of five years and up to 20 years in prison.
“People who get caught up in Teslas sabotage will have a very good chance of going to prison for up to twenty years, and that includes finders,” wrote Trump on Truth Social Thursday, adding: “We are looking for you !!!”
Tesla vehicles and dealers have been subjected to criminal fire, vandalism and shots in at least nine states, and some of the most important cases have been reported in left-wing cities in the northwest of the Pacific, such as Portland, Oregon and Seattle.
An Oregon man faces accusations after pretending to have launched several Molotov cocktails in a Tesla store in Salem, then turning another day and shooting windows. In the suburbs of Portland de Tigard, more than a dozen balls were fired in a Tesla exhibition hall last week, damaging vehicles and windows, the second time in a week when the store was targeted.
The Salvadorian guards of the prisoners would be linked to criminal organizations in Cecot on March 16, 2025, in Tecoleca, El Salvador. (Salvadoran government via Getty images)
Four cybertrucks were burnt down in Tesla terrain in Seattle earlier this month. On Friday, witnesses reported that a man paid gasoline on an unoccupied Tesla Model and sparked a fire in a street in Seattle.
In Las Vegas, several Tesla vehicles were burnt down early Tuesla service center on Tuesday where the word “resistance” was also painted red through the entrance doors for buildings. The authorities said that at least one person had launched Molotov cocktails from raw bombs filled with petrol or other flammable liquid and pulled several bullets from a weapon in vehicles.
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“Was this terrorism? Was it something else? He certainly has some of the characteristics that we could think of writing on the wall, the potential political agenda, an act of violence,” said Spencer Evans, the special agent in charge of the FBI office of Las Vegas, during a press conference. “None of these factors is lost to us.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Danielle Wallace is a Breaking News and Politics journalist at Fox News Digital. History advice can be sent to Danielle.wallace@fox.com and on X: @Danimwallace.
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