The concerns are increasing on new landing ships in China in the middle of Taiwan tensions

Set March 22, 2025
Recent developments have increased fears concerning a potential military confrontation between China and Taiwan, motivated by the unveiling of new landing ships by the Chinese army. These ships, which would have been designed to transport heavy military equipment, sparked an alarm within the Taiwan government, which considers them as indicating the intentions of Beijing to the Autonomous Island.
Massive ships, observed in a viral video on a military information platform, seem to be equipped for the transport of armored vehicles, suggesting a direct link with invasion strategies. Visual evidence raises critical questions about the preparation of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) for a possible attack on Taiwan, a territory that Beijing claims within the framework of its sovereign domain.
Historically, Taiwan has maintained a distinct governance structure since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949, when the nationalists withdrew on the island after being defeated by the communist forces. Although Taiwan goes from dictatorship to democracy in the 1980s, the ideological fracture between the two regions remains striking, with significant cultural and political differences.
For Chinese leaders, in particular under President Xi Jinping, the acquisition of Taiwan is not simply a question of national pride but is also crucial for military strategy. Taiwan's control would facilitate better access to international waters, an essential factor for an aspiring nation to increase its global position. During the recent national popular congress, XI announced an increase in military spending, aligning an objective of preparing the APL for potential action against Taiwan by 2027.
Military analysts, such as Andrew Erickson from China Maritime Studies Institute, claim that these new landlings are specifically developed for scenarios involving an invasion of Taiwan. In response, some Taiwanese officials, including former soldiers, expressed their confidence in the island's defensive capacities, citing new artillery systems capable of neutralizing these ships. They maintain that the more China is trying to use these ships, the easier it will become for Taiwan to counter them.
It is also noted that these disembarking ships would probably not be at the forefront of an invasion attempt, but would rather be deployed after a significant weakening of the Taiwan air and naval defenses. The strategic advantage of these ships lies in their ability to transport troops and equipment over considerable distances, potentially allowing China to launch a coordinated attack on Taiwan.
In the midst of these tensions, Taiwan has taken measures to strengthen its security measures. Recently, the immigration authority revoked the residence permit of a popular influencer in continental China, who had promoted pro-invasion feelings via social media platforms. This decision highlights the continuous tension of relations between traits, in particular in a democratic society which values freedom of expression and press.
Taiwan's current president William Lai expressed the reduction in economic dependence on China and active research in international support in climbing. He described the Chinese government as “hostile foreign power” and identified multiple security risks from the continent, including espionage and efforts to undermine Taiwan's sovereignty.
Sources 2/ https://themunicheye.com/concerns-rise-over-chinas-new-landing-ships-amid-taiwan-tensions-13724 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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