And if we were told that we were going to lock again

The researcher based in Glasgow, Ewan Kerr, tells us that it would not go well
Five years after we have been told to stay at home, studies suggest that we would have trouble accepting another national locking.
Research studies at Caledonian University of Glasgow show that people would be skeptical or resistant if such a decision was announced now, following a decrease in the trust in government.
Ewan Kerr, a third cycle researcher at GCU, told Hits Radio: people tended to accept restrictions because they had confidence that the government in Holyrood and Westminster acts in the best public interest. However, as the crisis took place and locking became more serious, certain governance failures have become quite clear.
Kerr underlines the first report of the cocvid investigation which showed that a bad planning caused more death than it should have been during the pandemic.
He also quotes the partygate scandal and the subsequent investigation which showed that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has broken the locking rules in 10 Downing Street and misleaded Parliament on this subject.
He says that in the future public conformity would depend on a clear and demonstrable threat as well as a transparent communication of the leaders.
“Many of our interview data indicate a passage from initial compliance to frustration and this really means that any future locking policy should be accompanied by clear transparent communication and clear and demonstrable proof.”
The novelty has turned into boredom
Adam Khanna, who was only 16 years old, when Lockdown struck, said: at first I was a little excited to have three weeks of school, a large number of children my age were the same. But as three weeks have become so long, she ended up being started to become a fight, and you are starting to miss your friends and little luxuries. My brother and I used to go home every two days, it was our day and we are getting married for about two hours with all social distancing, but it was roughly the only pleasure we had.
He added that his brothers and families kept it through the pandemic and do not know how people who live alone have managed to face.
The survey is currently investigating the purchase and distribution of British governments of 15 billion medical equipment and EPI during the pandemic.
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