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Josie vs Cancer: Tumorectomy was non-go; My whole left breast should go there

Josie vs Cancer: Tumorectomy was non-go; My whole left breast should go there


Chapter 2 – Lost my double DS …

The day of surgery arrived faster than I thought.

Breast cancer self-exam. Photo bynational Cancer InstituteonUnsplash.

In the days before, I took care of preparing myself for my absence in Workhandover, the preparation of early relationships, updates and loose purposes.

In the previous weeks, my doctor had updated us according to the MRI results was a non-chin, because the results showed a second larger area, which also meant that I would not have enough breast tissue. My whole left breast should go there.

Devastators news, yes.

My husband and I discussed this update and what it would mean. We opted for a double mastectomy to eliminate or, at the very least, considerably reduce the risk of recurrence later. My doctor agreed with this approach.

Doctor examining the mammography scan. Photo bynational Cancer InstituteonUnsplash.

The day of surgery was June 11, 2024 my birthday of the sisters and coincidence # 1000, because she is also a nurse in oncology.

We arrived at 5:30 am and were inaugurated in our room, but not before we ask us to settle the bill associated in advance. The room was not a hotel suite, but at least it was private, so I could be comfortable in my own space.

While the sun rose, we had the chance to see the view by the window for the first time; The Gulf of Paria was just beyond the visitors' parking lot.

A nurse provided me with surgical clothes: surgical dress, hair and feet covers, and I changed. Not elegant, but suitable for the task to be accomplished for the day.

Photo by Jafar Ahmed on Unsplash.

Around 7:00 a.m., a prescription arrived with a nurse to take me to the preoperative area. They put compression stockings and my doctor arrived to prepare me.

He used various colorful Sharpie markers to map his plan for the region where he would remove and where he would position the tubes for drains.

The drain tubes would be inserted under the skin after surgery and would pass outside towards two silicone bulbs on each side. This would allow an excess of liquid to flow from injuries.

Some history: as part of my surgery, I opted for immediate reconstruction. It was a progressive process, the first step involving the placement of tissue expunchers. These are temporary implants and are more rigid and more uncomfortable than ordinary implants, apparently.

They also have metal ports that allow them to be swollen. Due to these metallic ports, I was given a medical letter to use during the trip, because metal could trigger the immigration safety sensors.

These temporary implants would be inflated at intervals to prepare the area to receive the final implants, which would be closer to my natural size before surgery.

Essentially, they would act like reserved spaces until my treatment plan after complete surgery is completed. The second step would involve exchanging tissue expunchers for the final implants, and I was told that it could be done after two years.

Anyway, once this process is finished, I was taken to the operation, and they inserted IV access for medicines. The last thing I remember that the anesthesiologist says is that I will start to feel sleepy, I came out.

I woke up in another area on a bed facing a wall clock that said 12:15 p.m. I had a strong desire to pass the urine, and they helped me. If one thing should be said, it is because undergoing major surgery is humiliating.

I went back to sleep apparently and woke up with the prescription that brings me back to the room; It was closer to 2:00 p.m., according to my husband.

The wait had returned him and everyone anxious, because the wait was that I would be back in the room at noon. The controls moved me to the bed in the room, and it was very painful.

Each movement looked like a torture because I guess you use your upper body for more things than you think. Even to sit up or change position was excruciating.

Lunch was the exciting toast meal of whole wheat, jam and mint tea. It was the menu of all my meals while I was part.

Who is hungry? (Via Stewart House.)

The anesthesiologist and my doctor both came with me later in the evening, the latter saying that everything went well. Good news!

The evening change of nurses entered and one in particular was not very pleasant. It made my husband decide to go home for a change of clothes and a pillow so that he can stay with me overnight.

The bed was not comfortable, and that, associated with my pain, made it difficult to sleep because I could not change position easily.

They had also placed a machine on both legs to help traffic, and it contracted every two seconds while emitting a sound adding to the inability to sleep.

A patient on a hospital bed. (Via Videoblocks.)

The nurse who gave me my night medication was very pleasant. I would come back to her again when I was later transferred to the care of the assigned oncologist, because she also worked with him.

The next morning, I started trying to walk, starting from bed to the bathroom in the bedroom. I did it several times, slowly. On an occasion, the nurse who accompanied me to the toilet had to go away briefly to deal with a patient in another room.

In this short time, I started to feel dizzy, and I hung on the towel bar and closed my eyes for a second to try to stabilize myself.

Large error. When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor next to the toilet. I failed to get up because of the pain, and even shouting for help was a task.

Edvard Munch's cry. Photo of the Art Institute of Chicago on Unsplash.

I managed to ask for help strong enough so that the nurses at the front heard me, and before I know, the room was filled with nurses and construction sites. The fun moments when everything you wear is a hospital dress.

Because the pain has spread to my armpits, it was a challenge to lift myself up from the ground. I remember asking the nurse to stand behind me and keep my dress closed so that the whole room does not get a show … again.

They brought me back to bed, and the doctor on duty visited and asked them to test my blood pressure every 15 minutes, both seated and standing.

This led to a dose reduction of one of the drugs, which contributed to the tolerance of light. It also meant that I would be exempt longer for surveillance and that I would not be released at noon as expected.

My blood pressure finally normalized and my doctor sent instructions that I could be released at 5:00 p.m. Excellent news: I could sleep or at least try to sleep in my own bed that night.

I was told that I had to walk in the room by myself before being released, so the motivation to go home made me do this successfully. The mind is a hell of something, something that I would remember throughout this trip.

There was a confusion with the discharge forms and the associated payment, which delayed our exit around 6.30 p.m., we were ready to leave.

Going from the wheelchair to my husband's van was another task. The series of movements looked like hot knives cutting through my skin. On the way back, each bump was exaggerated even if it has driven slowly and carefully: bless it.

We got home that evening, and my millet came to record it injuries. I took the prescribed drugs for the night and I was able to sleep.

We had passed on June 11 and 12.

The next day, the first day was the first day of home recovery. One of the drugs made me very stress in light. Having to empty the drains and change the surgical bra was themselves tasks, and I had to rest between the two.

I couldn't take a full shower because the bandages could not be wet, so a lot of damp wipes and showering the size down were the agenda. My husband helped everything. Thank goodness because it was a lot.

My love…

I had bought high buttoned before surgery because I was advised not to be able to raise my arms. It was true.

The displacement of items to lower shelves was also carried out in advance so that I can avoid the need to achieve things. Even surgical bras on the front were necessary, and the change and outside was also a challenge. Everything was painful at first.

During my postoperative visit, I was still in pain and light, and therefore my doctor revised the prescription, which was a lifeline. We disappeared and the pain was better managed.

The drains could not be removed yet because I still produced a lot of liquid. These would ultimately be deleted three days later. This process was not painful, thank God.

The bandages have been redone and I would need weekly visits to check them and modify them for next month. As the pain reduced, I was able to do more every week.

It was a difficult period, but I succeeded with the support of my husband. I must say that, even if I was who had been operated on, we went through the recovery period and everything that followed.




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