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The administrative committee of cooperation zones is holding its 9th meeting – Macao Sar Government Portal

The administrative committee of cooperation zones is holding its 9th meeting – Macao Sar Government Portal



p25cvipwjj Director of the administrative committee of the intensive cooperation zone of Guangdong-Macao in Hengqin and Managing Director of MSAR, Mr. Sam Hou Fa; Director of the Administrative Committee of the Cooperation Zone and Governor of the Guangdong Province, Mr. Wang Weizhong, co -president of the 9th meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Cooperation Zone, held in the Cooperation Zone.

The administrative committee of the Guangdong-Macao intensive cooperation area in Hengqin held its ninth meeting today. He studied important speeches and directives of President Xi Jinping at the time of his inspection of Guangdong and Macao, and the cooperation area.

Today's meeting took place in the cooperation zone and was co -resigned by: the director of the administrative committee of cooperation zones and managing director of the special administrative region of Macao (MSAR), Mr. Sam Hou Fa; and director of the administrative committee of cooperation zones and governor of the Guangdong province, Mr. Wang Weizhong.

The meeting also examined the work report in 2025 of the executive committee of cooperation zones and the annual report on key tasks. The meeting also examined the execution of the budget of 2024 and a project of the 2025 budget, the 2025 government investment project plan for the cooperation area and the industrial development plan of the cooperation zone (2025-2029).

During the meeting, Mr. Sam noted various works in the cooperation zone which had made positive progress in the last three years, the level of integration between Hengqin and Macao gradually increasing, thus increasing the support of the appropriate economic diversification of Macaos. During the meeting, the two parties studied the important directives of President XIS, further clarifying the work plan for the second phase of the cooperation zone. Mr. Sam underlined the need to focus in particular on key tasks to be performed this year, to consolidate the consensus between Guangdong and Macao, and to ensure the success of the implementation of the work in Hengqin.

The Managing Director has also offered four aspirations for the next development stage in the cooperation area:

First, the need to study in depth and to join the president XIS important proposal of Macao + Hengqin comprises global his rich connotations and practical requirements, and strive to create a new situation in the construction of the cooperation zone;

Second, to intensify reform and innovation efforts, be more daring and proactive in political innovation, work on the alignment of rules and on the integration mechanism, to overcome the deep constraints that hinder the development of Hengqins;

Third, further improve work style development, promote diligence and use of initiative, cultivate pragmatic and proactive work ethics and promote an atmosphere of unit and progress; And

Fourth, increase the support on the Macao side in terms of close coordination between Hengqin and Macao, and are advancing various aspects of the cooperation zone to carry out breakthroughs.

The MSAR government has created a leading group for the construction of the Guangdong-Macao intensive cooperation area in Hengqin, with a view to increasing the support of the cooperation area in various aspects such as policy, law, staff and resource allocation, said Sam.

In the future, specific measures would be introduced concerning industry, the means of subsistence of peoples, legal revisions, coordination of policies between Hengqin and Macao, and encouragement for increased use of Macao capital for investment in the projects of the cooperation zone, declared Mr. Sam. All the aspirations aimed at presenting new impetus for new percaence in the development of the area of ​​cooperation.

During the meeting of today, Governor Wang said that during the inspection of President Xis of Hengqin, he fully affirmed the positive progress made in various aspects of the cooperation zone and provided a new positioning for Macao + Hengqin. President XI has clearly described the three key points and the three criteria for assessing demons to assess the effectiveness of the development and construction of the cooperation area. They provided an orientation to advance the construction of the cooperation area to a new starting point and offered fundamental advice.

This year marked the start of the second phase of construction in the cooperation area, noted Mr. Wang. It was crucial to study and respect the important speeches and directives of Secretary General Xi Jinping, remembering that the initial intention to develop Hengqin is to support the appropriate economic diversification of Macaos, he added.

It was necessary to focus on the new positioning of Macao + Hengqin, said Wang. He called for other efforts to implement the tasks and objectives of the second phase; Promote the construction of cooperation areas as a means of obtaining more important results; Better support the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay region; And serve the practice of the principle of two countries, two systems in the new era.

Bigger efforts should be made to develop the four new industries, Governor Wang said. He underlined the need to advance the construction of industrial platforms such as the industrial park of the design of integrated circuits of Guangdong-Macao; The traditional Chinese Chinese medicine industrial park between Guangdong and Macao; the industrial commercial electronic commerce park; and the Hengqin-Macao innovation industrial park.

It was essential to strengthen the promotion of preferential policies; Improve the planning and introduction of the industrial project; attract people with various talents related to innovation; Pool More Macao Capital, Enterprises and People; and permanently increase the popularity and vitality of the cooperation area. Mr. Wang said it was necessary to continue to improve the level of integration between Hengqin and Macao; Prior connection of infrastructure and integration of rules and mechanisms; And have a heart heart connection between residents of Hengqin and Macao.

Governor Wang also mentioned the need: to accelerate the construction of major projects; Consolidate and develop the results of customs management of specific level; continuously improve public services and social security systems; And establish an institutional system for highly coordinated and deeply integrated economic systems between Hengqin and Macao. In order to strive by a new construction phase in the second stage of the cooperation area, the effort must be put in: a daring reform and innovation; Ensure the effective implementation of work tasks in accordance with the annual key work list; operational planning; And adjustment of the chronology, added Mr. Wang.

The officials participating in the meeting in the cooperation zone were: the deputy executive director of the administrative committee of the cooperation zones and the secretary to the administration and the government judge MSAR, Mr. Cheong Weng Chon; Deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Cooperation Zones and Executive Vice-Governor of the Guangdong province, Mr. Zhang Hu; and deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Cooperation and Vice-Governor of the province of Guangdong, Mr. Zhang Guozhi. Among the presents: deputy director of the administrative committee of cooperation zones and secretary of the Zhuhai municipal committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Chen Yong; Deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Cooperation Zones and Secretary of Security of the MSAR Government, Mr. Wong Sio Chak; and deputy director of the administrative committee of cooperation zones and secretary of social affairs and culture of the MSAR government, Ms. O LAM.

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