Submit tax management to Sri Mulyani again: repeat a 10 -year failure

The APBN 2025 project was compiled and submitted to the DPR around May 2024, was tried from the APBN bill in August 2024 and was sent in APBN law in October 2024.
In other words, the APBN for the 2025 exercise was compiled by Jokowi and Sri Mlyani governments.
In the conception of the state budget of 2025, it is explained on * the management and strategy of budgetary policy of 2025 *, among others, for the acceleration of inclusive and sustainable economic growth. And has a strategic value, because it is a policy in the transition period.
This statement is too far -fetched. What type of strategic value: becomes the basis of “Indonesian gold”? A statement like this is only deceiving the public.
For ten years, the government of Jokowi, Sri Mulyani, as Minister of Finance, which was responsible for budgetary policy, has not been able to create an acceleration of economic growth and failed to create inclusive economic growth.
Then, why now, in the period of this year of transition, the fiscal policy compiled by Sri Mulyani, could suddenly be great, as if it could be a determinant of the future of Indonesia: as Foundation of Indonesia Gold 2045?
In fact, during the 10 years of the period 2014-2024, the national poverty rate according to BPS only dropped by 2.39%, from 10.96% (2014) to 8.57% (2024).
Then, the public debt increased from RP6.071 Billions, RP2 609 Billions (2014) to 8,680 billions of rupees (2024), or more than 230%.
The late delay rate is still very high, reaching 21.5% in 2023, only 0.1% compared to the previous year, 2022.
Based on the above data, the governments of Joko Widodo and Sri Mulyani have been proven to have failed miserably in the management of the Indonesian taxman.
Following the management and the budget policy strategy of those who have clearly failed to manage tax, it is therefore almost certain to repeat failure.
In other words, submit the 2024-2029 tax management to Sri Mulyani who has been failed in the past 10 years, it is therefore almost certain to fail.
The possibility of budget insufficiency is visible. Tax revenues fell by more than 30% in the first two months. It is likely that there will be a large deficit this year, it can reach at least 0.5% of GDP. The tax ratio will increase to approximately 9.1 to 9.5% of GDP.
The exchange rate of the rupee also assuming also missing. The exchange rate of the rupee is adjusted too high. The exchange rate of the rupee in the 2024 state budget is set at RP. 15,000 per US dollar. The fact is much lower than that, reaching 16,000 IDR us.
In 2025, the hypothesis of the exchange rate of the rupee seems to be far away. It is estimated that the exchange rate of the rupee in the state budget of 2025 is evolving in the RP range. 15,300 RP16,000 per US dollar, an average of approximately RP. 15,650.
In fact, the current exchange rate of the Roupie has penetrated 16,500 rupees by US dollar and tends to weaken, even if the Indonesia bank intervened in a continuous market and aggressively issued the letters of the debt of Bank Indonesia (SRBI, SVBI, SUVBI).
Bank Indonesia’s foreign debt increased from US $ 3 billion in 2019 to around $ 30 billion in 2024.
Another very serious APBN risk is the responsibility of the interests of the higher debt. The interest ratio for expenditure / tax revenue increased from only 11.6% in 2014 to 23.6% in 2024.
The debt interest ratio in 2025 should increase again, it can reach more than 25% of tax revenue.
Debt high interest costs limit the capacity of public spending and have a negative impact on the economy.
Consequently, the delivery of tax management in Sri Mulyani, which has proven to be failed for 10 years, will endanger the future of the Indonesian and fiscal economy.
The question is why Sri Mulyani is maintained even if proof of failure has been clearly displayed?
There are those who support, it is difficult to find a replacement for Sri Mulyani. An opinion as this insults very the Indonesian people.
In the Circle Prabowo or Gerindra, there is the figure of Fuad Bawazier, a former Minister of Finance, who has a wide knowledge, and certainly much better than Sri Mulyani.
Hopefully President Prabowo will immediately save the economy and the exercise of Indonesia, by replacing the skipper of the Ministry of Finance. Do not leave the budgetary damage deeper and empire.
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Sources 2/ https://www.teropongsenayan.com/134741-menyerahkan-pengelolaan-fiskal-kepada-sri-mulyani-lagi-mengulang-kegagalan-10-tahun The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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