Donald Trump pays tribute to George Foreman “really special”

President Donald Trump paid tribute to former boxer George Foreman, calling him “big fighter” and “really special” after the news of his death on Friday.
“George Foreman is dead. What a big fighter !!! Trump wrote on Truth Social, his social media platform.
Newsweek contacted Foreman's family via their website via the online form for more information on funeral arrangements.
Why it matters
Foreman, 76, was among the most recognizable fighters in the world of boxing. He was also a businessman, selling grill products in the middle of his successful return race at 38 years after a 10 -year interruption in the ring.
Foreman had a file of 76-5 and was considered among the grown-ups of all time. Foreman was born in Marshall, Texas, and then settled in Houston after becoming a minister.
What to know
Foreman fought Evander Holyfield at the Trump Plaza hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1991. The boxer appeared with Trump in several photos during the event when he was present with former wife Marla Maples.
In 1997, Trump took an emblematic pose with Foreman and former Shannon Briggs boxer in Times Square in New York. All three raised their fists towards the camera lens in the image.
Foreman has received many distinctions from his work in the boxing ring, which included being crowned world heavyweight champion twice and winning an Olympic gold medal.
In the position of the Instagram page of Foreman announcing his death on Friday, the legend reads as follows: “Our hearts are shattered. With a deep sadness, we announce the death of our beloved George Edward Foreman Sr. who left in peace on March 21, 2025 surrounded by relatives. A devoted preacher, a devoted husband, a loving father and a proud grandfather grandfather, a rhythm of life.
“Humanitarian, Olympian and twice world heavyweight champion, he was deeply respected – a force for good, a man of discipline, a conviction and a protector of his inheritance, fighting tirelessly to preserve his good name – for his family.”
In conclusion, the post says: “We are grateful to the outpouring of love and prayers, and like to ask for an intimacy when we honor the extraordinary life of a man that we were lucky to call ours.”
Foreman had 12 children and appointed his five sons George, explaining once on his website, “I named all my sons George Edward Foreman so that they always have something in common.”
His mission statement on his website is read as follows: “The world is full of people who want to play in complete safety, people who have enormous potential but who never use it. Somewhere deep inside, they know they could do more in life, be more and have more – if only they were ready to take some risks.”
George Foreman speaks on stage on April 12, 2023 in Atlanta. Incart: President Donald Trump speaks to White House journalists in Washington, DC on March 21. George Foreman speaks on stage on April 12, 2023 in Atlanta. Incart: President Donald Trump speaks to journalists at the White House in Washington, DC on March 21. Paras griffin / getty images for Sony Pictures Releasing / Bryan Dozier / Middle East Images via AFP what people say
On Friday, another Mike Tyson boxing superstar reacted on X, formerly Twitter, “condolences to the family of George Foreman. His contribution to boxing and beyond will never be forgotten.”
Actor William Shatner posted X on Friday: “Condolences to the family of George Foreman. 😔”
The president of the World Boxing Council, Mauricio Sulaiman, posted on X Friday: “Receiving the sad news is a moment that sticks to your memory for life that the great foreman of George died champion of legendary boxing, his memory is now eternal, the father, the great George Rest in Peace.”
What happens next?
More and more tributes should continue to flood social media, and Foreman's family has not yet announced funeral arrangements.
Update of 03/22/25, 10 a.m. HE: This article has been updated with additional information.
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