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Trump News at a glance: Hegseth Mocks judge who ruled against the transgender ban | Trump administration

Trump News at a glance: Hegseth Mocks judge who ruled against the transgender ban | Trump administration



Pete Hegseth, the American defense secretary, became the last senior official to openly criticize a judge while the Trump administration intensified his attacks on the challenges of the court in his political agenda.

On Saturday, Hegseth made fun of the American district judge Ana Reyes for blocked the ban on transgender troops in the American army. The ban was applied by an executive decree signed by Donald Trump on January 27.

Hegseth referred to the judge as commander Reyes in a social media position and suggested that she did not have the power to make war decisions although the judge does not make such a decision, only on his treatment of his staff.

Reyes was appointed by former Democratic President Joe Biden and is the last judge to be publicly attacked by a Trump administration official.

US Secretary for Defense Pete Hegseth Rails against the judge

The public mockery of Hegseth de Reyes has followed similar remarks by Trump, Elon Musk, the Attorney General, Pam Bondi, and other officials against judges in recent weeks. Trump called on Tuesday on the dismissal of a judge who presides over a judicial dispute of the expulsion thefts and described him as mad with the radical left and a disturbance maker and agitator, which prompted the chief judge of the Supreme Court of the United States to issue a rare reprimand of the President.

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The White House applauds as a large law firm attacked by Trump's heads

The Trump administration also fought with one of the largest law firms in the country: Paul, Wiess. Trumps advisers have awarded their ability to intimidate the business after its president criticized a former partner while he was trying to appease the American president to cancel an executive decree that threatened the ability of companies to operate. The firm also agreed to provide $ 40 million to free legal services over the next four years so that Trump defended that Trump defended and accepted an audit of his employment procedures to annihilate any initiative for diversity, equity and inclusion. The Trump administration has threatened new actions against lawyers and law firms that lead to immigration prosecution and other cases against the government which it deems contrary to ethics. He faces more than 100 prosecution.

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20% of Americans support the boycott of companies aligning with Trump's agenda

According to a new survey for The Guardian. As a large -scale brands, including Amazon, Target and Tesla, grapple with economic boycotts, research in the Harris survey said that the counterpoup could have a lasting impact.

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Trump revokes security authorizations for Biden, Harris and other political enemies

Trump has moved to revoke security authorizations for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a series of other best political democrats and enemies in a presidential note published late Friday. The revocations also cover the former secretary of state Antony Blinken, the former Wyoming representative, Liz Cheney, the former representative of Illinois, Adam Kinzinger, and the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, who continued Trump for fraud, as well as the whole family of Bidens. They will no longer have access to classified information that a courtesy generally offered to former presidents and certain officials after leaving the public service.

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The White House interrupts the financing of legal aid for unaccompanied migrant children

The Trump Administration would have reduced the financing of a legal program which ensures the representation of unaccompanied immigrant children, a month after having directed immigration application agents to find minors who had entered the United States without tutors last month. Organizations which collectively receive more than $ 200 million in federal subsidies have been informed that the contract through the refugee resettlement office had been partially terminated, according to a memo published on Friday by the Department of the Interior and obtained by ABC News.

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American team to meet Ukrainian and Russian officials for discussions

Talks between US and Ukrainian officials are expected to start Saudi Arabia on Sunday. An informed Washington source from the meeting of meetings said that the American team would be led by Andrew Peek of the National Security Council and Michael Anton of the State Department, Reuters reported. After these discussions, the American team will meet Russian officials on Monday. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, however, said this week that Ukrainian officials are present at the American-Russia talks but would not be in the same room as the Russians.

Read the Ukraine war briefing

The United States has urged to think about health care in the middle of the Trump assault on the sector

An academic review can inject some optimism into American health policy a rare goods in the midst of mass layoffs of Trump administrations, financing gels and ideological research reviews. A new issue of Sanet Affairs Scholar maintains that the conversation on health care can change and radically if academics think that the largest and political decision -makers invest in their communities.

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The American tourism industry faces the fall while the immigration program dissuades travelers

A series of highly publicized arrests and detentions of travelers is likely to cause a major slowdown in tourism in the United States, the latest figures already showing a serious drop, tourist experts said. Several Western travelers have recently been rejected on the American border for increasingly fragile reasons under the repression of Donald Trumps' immigration, some of which were chained and held in detention centers in poor conditions for weeks. Germany has updated travel advice for travel to the United States, warning that the entry rules could not only lead to rejection as before, but arrest or even detention.

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