Bangladesh request for the meeting of Muhammad Yunus-Pm Modi in consideration, said the parliamentary committee

Muhammad Yunus. File | Photo credit: Reuters
Bangladesh’s request for a meeting between his head of interim governments, chief advisor Muhammad Yunus and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at the next Bimstec summit, was studying, the Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar said that a parliamentary panel meeting in New Delhi.
During the first meeting of this year of the parliamentary advisory committee for external affairs on Saturday March 22, 2025), several deputies raised concerns concerning attacks against the Hindus in Bangladesh, asking what measures that India took in this regard, according to sources.
Attacks against Hindus in Bangladesh not community, exaggerated problem: Muhammad Yunus
They said that Jaishankar informed members that the interim government of Dacca said that attacks against Hindus were “politically motivated” and not “minority targeted”. Mr. Jaishankar informed the deputies about links with Bangladesh, the Maldives, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. He said he would talk about Pakistan and China separately on a later date.
Jaishankar also learned to have told the meeting that Saarc was inactive due to the approach of Pakistan and that India is therefore trying to strengthen Bimstec (the Bengal Bay Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation).
He said Prime Minister Modi could attend the Bimstec summit in Bangkok from April 2 to 4 in Thailand, but did not confirm the visit at the meeting, the sources said. He also informed the meeting that Prime Minister Modi would visit Sri Lanka next month.
When asked if Mr. Modi should meet Mr. Yunus and hold bilaterals with him on the sidelines of the Bimstec summit, Mr. Jaishankar remained without commitment by saying that he was under study, the sources said.
Several deputies including KC Venugopal, Manish Tewari (Congress), Priyanka Chaturvedi (Shiv Sena-Ubt) and Mukul Wasnik (Congress) raised the question of the targeted murders of the Hindu and what the government was doing to stop them.
Jaishankar said that the government was engaged in the provisional exemption from Bangladesh at different levels and that the question was raised. The government would continue to do so, he said. Bangladesh has remained the main subject of discussion with almost all the deputies who engage on the issue.
Some deputies, including those in the south, have raised the question of fishermen's livelihoods and their problems with Sri Lanka. A section section also raised the issue of drugs and weapons in the country of Pakistan and Myanmar, the minister saying that the government was seized of the issue and raised the question with concerns.
Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vikram Mistry, made a detailed presentation on India's relations with Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives and Sri Lanka.
Published – March 23, 2025 11:03 am is
Sources 2/ https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/bangladesh-request-for-muhammad-yunus-pm-modi-meeting-under-consideration-parliamentary-panel-told/article69364342.ece The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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