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Does America approve of Trump after the first two months of its mandate?

Does America approve of Trump after the first two months of its mandate?



The president wins over the prices to stimulate a recession?

An economist warns consumers of a potential economic slowdown with President Donald Trump's trade war.

Thursday marked two months since President Donald Trump was sworn in office for his second term.

One of the two presidents on non-consecutive conditions, his first weeks provided a unique opportunity to compare his approval ratings against himself at the same time of his first presidency.

Outside the door, Trump's net approval ratings were higher than his own prices in 2017, but still lower than any other president of history. A month later, his net approval rating (defined as the margin between the averages of approval and disapproval of a president) had shrunk just above the same at the end of February.

Since then, Trump has walked with federal agency cuts and has continued to present Elon Musk in a central role in his administration, both controversial with voters, have shown several surveys.

Here is what polls tell us about how Americans have so far approved Trump's second presidency.

How the front of the Republicans, the Division of Democrats plays in Trump approval notes

Two months, Trump's approval notes do not show a major change compared to the start of his mandate or compared to his first mandate, according to Costas Panagopoulos, head of political science at the Northeastern University.

But he also said that voters could continue to reserve for administration’s priorities as the first policies are taking place, especially since inflation continues and the stock market recover from a fall that started in February.

“There are many people who have rejected other statements and comments he made during the campaign because they expected his priorities in accordance with the things they wanted,” he told USA Today in an interview on Thursday, mentioning the economy and inflation as examples. “Now they see what might not be the case.”

But crucial to understanding Trump's approval notes, says Panagopoulos, republican and democratic parties, because Trump's approval notes come from an already polarized electorate.

While the Democrats are fragmented, the Republicans offer a “united front” to support Trump, according to Panagopoulos.

“At least for the moment, it could be artificially inflating Trump's approval numbers on the whole, but specifically among the Republicans,” he said. “People are not going to move away from Trump until they have an alternative to which they can go.”

What the recent presidential approval polls say

NBC News:

More respondents disapprove of Trump's work than to approve with a margin of 4 percentage points (survey carried out on March 7 to 11; 1,000 registered voters; Error margin 3.1 percentage points). The survey has revealed that more respondents believe today that executive and judicial branches have too much power as when they asked them the same thing in 2019, according to NBC News.

Economist / Yougov:

More respondents disapprove of Trump's work than to approve with a margin of 5 percentage points (survey carried out from March 16 to 18; 1,618 American adults; 3.4 percentage points). Democrats in Congress have become “much less popular in recent months”, while the Republicans in Congress have become more popular, according to you, according to employees of the department, the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of Sond Efficiency department, which supports the department of the department of the department,

Consult in the morning:

The measurement of Morning consumed at Trump approval ratings overthrew the net negative for the first time since he took office, with more respondents disapproving of his professional performance (50%) than those who approve (48%). (Poll conducted from March 14 to 16; 2,210 registered voters; Marge of error 2 percentage points.) The Trump approval rating with Morning Consult became negative net a week later during Trump's first presidency. “More voters than not approves even no more approval from Trump) and national security (52% appropriate),” the statements of morning consultations.

RMG Research / Napolitan News Service:

54% of respondents approve or strongly approve of Trump's work, against 44% who disapprove, strongly or somewhat. (March 6-13; 3,000 registered voters; Marge of error 1.8 percentage point.)

Kinsey Crowley is a press journalist at USA Today. Access it to Follow it on x and tiktok @KinSEYCROWLEY or Bluesky at @ kinSEYCROWLEY.BSKY.SOCIAL.




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