The former MSNBC legal analyst has a prediction for Trump, and this implies “the word c”
Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor and former MSNBC legal analyst, believes that President Donald Trump and his Ministry of Justice will face accusations of criminal outrage concerning their contempt for the American district judge James E. Boasbergs to interrupt recent deportations.
Trump invoked an act of war from the 18th century last week to expel hundreds of immigrants in a prison in El Salvador, ignoring a verbal order from Boasberg. He has since called the judge, that the White House called a Democratic activist, to be dismissed.
In the show Dean Obeidallah on Thursday, Kirschner weighed the potential consequences.
I was a prosecutor for 30 years, he told the radio host Siriusxm. You do not write in procedural acts or do not tell court, things like, judge, we do not think that the information you are looking for is relevant. Guess who is determination, sport? Not yours! Judges!
We will see the word C pronounced very soon contempt, continued Kirschner. He will start like a criminal contempt. He will most likely transform himself, he will start as a civil contempt which will most likely turn into criminal contempt.
The openly provocative administration told Boasberg in a legal file on Wednesday to be more respectful, which prompted the federal judge to give the administration 24 hours more to respond to his request for more information on their refusal to follow his initial order.
The Ministry of Justice characterized Boasberg's request for expulsion flights as a Picayune dispute on the microgestion of an intangible building, as opposed to a potentially illegal challenge of a federal judges.
I do not remember the lawyers, in the times I practiced, saying to the judges, you do not know what you are talking about, in writing! Obeidallah, a former lawyer, told Kirschner. And it's, I'm sure, [U.S. Attorney General] Pam Bondi does this for Donald Trump.
Trump said on Friday that “other people had managed” the expulsion document that bore his signature. Steven Senne / Associated Press
Trump said on Friday that he had not signed the document invoking the extraterrestrial enemies law of 1798 which led to deportations and said that other people treated it despite its easily visible name below.
The comment came less than a week after Trump probably pretended that his predecessor, former president Joe Biden, had used an autopen during his mandate on many pardons who are now supposed to harm.
Kirschner plans that things become more painful for Trump.
For viewers at home, here is a funny fact, he said on Thursday. The only time a judge can appoint an independent prosecutor to continue a case is the court to the court for violation of judicial orders. So let's get firmly because the ride will become much more jack.
In relation …
Sources 2/ https://news.yahoo.com/ex-msnbc-legal-analyst-prediction-183345762.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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