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Trump 2025 approval note: Donald Trump arrives at a historic level while the new survey shows its clear approval rating than any modern president for decades

Trump 2025 approval note: Donald Trump arrives at a historic level while the new survey shows its clear approval rating than any modern president for decades



Donald Trumps The net approval rating in 2025 has reached a bottom, worse than any modern American president in the past 70 years. Surveys of the University of CNN, Fox, Ipsos, NBC and Quinnipiac show that the harvesting note of the prevail over +7 in January at -2 in March, a sharp drop of 9 points. CNN analyst Harry Enen, noted that even if Trump is slightly better off than in 2017, he remains underwater, who does not obtain another president at this stage of their mandate. How do Trumps notes compare historically? Historically, each American president since 1937 has maintained a positive net approval rating at this stage of their presidency. Trump, however, is an anomaly. Even during his first mandate in 2017, his approval numbers hovered in the negative range. While Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton maintained positive approval ratings during this period, Trump remains the only president to fall several times below the threshold. Why are Trumps figures drop? Analysts point out that prevailing for divisor leadership and inability to appeal to indecisive voters. Its polarizing policies and inflammatory rhetoric continue to alienate the demography of key voters. According to CERN, Trumps' approval is so weak that it only corresponds to itself, it has been as unpopular in modern history. This drop is consistent in all the main polls, which indicates that public feeling towards Trump remains largely negative. What do the surveys reveal on the trumps? Recent survey data has paint a dark image: CNN survey: net approval has been winning 9 points since January. Fox News survey: shows a widespread disapproval of the management of the assets of key political questions. Ipsos and NBC surveys: reflect a coherent trend of negative feeling through various demographic data. Is Trump better than 2017? Slightly. In 2025, Trumps' figures were slightly better than in 2017, but it is hardly a victory. Enen has pointed out, when you just make you match and you are always underwater, it is not a victory. Even if current figures are a minor improvement, they are still far behind other presidents at this stage. Can empty events recover from this historic hollow? Although everything is possible in politics, experts are doubtful that Trump can considerably improve his position. Given the consistency of its negative notes in several polls, a major change in the public perception seems unlikely. His polarizing image and his inability to resonate with the main electoral groups can prevent a return. Trump broke records, but for bad reasons, Donald Trump has made the story of this moment again to have the most low net approval of any modern American president at this stage. Despite slight improvements compared to his 2017 figures, Trump remains the only president to find himself regularly in negative territory. While the 2025 elections are approaching, prevailing on the low notes can prove to be a major obstacle in its pursuit of re-election. Polarizing policies and non-appeal to indecisive voters led to a drop in approval.

How does the notation of the approval of the trumps compare to the former presidents? The net approval of the prevail is worse than any modern president since 1937.

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