Craftrofe, grogol, wandering in the world

Jakarta –
Hangout with a unique Chaussade concept in Jakarta. But this is very different, not only the sale of coffee but also environmentally friendly products.
Tuesday (4/2) afternoon, I stopped in a popular cafe in Grogol, precisely on Jalan Tang Rawa Kepa No.37, Tomang. The branches of the trees burst behind the fence, the cloudy sky adds to the increasingly shaded atmosphere.
Craftote is the name of coffee that is also a gallery. Thio Siujinata and Rika Chistina founded this profession in 2021 with the help of the house of Jakarta Bumn (RB) which was a BRS CSR program.
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Graduates of the IKJ Fine Arts department, Thio (50) have developed products from Abaka, water hyacinth, banana, Mendong and Bambou. Using the services of village craftsmen, he transformed materials into environmentally friendly household products.
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In his trip, of course, everything did not go well. Thio claimed to have had a Japanese citizen, who was a designer, in his cafe. While coffee is looking for inspiration, he asks Thio if he can control lights with the design he draws.
The order was received and sent to Japan, a total of around 10 units. Shortly after, the Japanese people complained because the goods sent were damaged and returned to him.
“I tried to find craftsmen in bamboo, it turns out that there is something that is wrong with the work process,” he said.
After obtaining new knowledge, he explains his mistakes and sent new articles. Thanks to his dedication, the customer is a subscription despite different countries.
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Since his RB entry, Thio has diligently participated in exhibition activities. From there, many expatriates looked at the results of his work and ordered in small quantities. Now products are exported to Canada, Europe and Asia.
After a long struggle, Crafte had the opportunity to participate in the Inacraft 2024, the largest craft exhibition in Southeast Asia which was assisted by Joko Widodo at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC).
Rika Chistina, Thio's wife, told me happily how happy it was when Jokowi stopped at his stand. As fast as lightning, he took the opportunity so that he could take photos with Jokowi.
“It's really happy,” said Rika constantly thanking BRI for continuing to support his business.
“Thank you very much to BRI, thank you,” he said.
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Ms. Sandra and her friends have become one of the crafote subscriptions. He claimed to like to spend time because of the atmosphere of stand Nyeni. In addition, you can during your purchases.
“A year ago a year ago, a lot of service caps here for the Chinese New Year,” he said.
He said that the price and quality of Craftote products deserve the boost. Whenever he likes Craftote products, he does not hesitate to buy it immediately.
Product prices in Craftote start from PR. The product is a handbag of water hyacinth, chairs, lanterns with interior decoration.
Thio hopes that in the future he can open a friend store in Germany in the world creation exhibition. He was sure, the dream would soon be real.
The role of Buaux Houses
Since having become a member of RB, Thio has not only participated in the training class provided. Thio is also often invited as a speaker in order to light the minds of other MPMEs.
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“Yes, Craftote is one of the most unique MPMs because the products are respectful of the environment and sustainable,” said Jajang Rohmana (23), an RB Jakarta facilitator.
Jajang hopes that the other MPMs will be able to follow the stages of Thio which do not abandon to pick up the ball.
Sources 2/ https://travel.detik.com/domestic-destination/d-7836758/craftofe-dari-grogol-melanglang-buana-ke-dunia The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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