The mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoglu, is officially arrested for corruption

A court officially arrested Ekrem Imamoglu, a key rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan early on Sunday and ordered him to imprison the expectation of a trial for corruption.
Imamoglu was detained following a raid at his residence earlier this week, causing the largest wave of street demonstrations in Türkiye in more than a decade. He also deepened concerns among the Turks and outside Turkey, on democracy and the rule of law.
His imprisonment is widely considered as a political decision to withdraw a major competitor from the next presidential race, currently scheduled for 2028.
Government representatives reject the accusations according to which legal actions against opposition personalities are politically motivated and insist that the courts of turkeys work independently.
The official arrest came while his Party of the Republican Peoples of the Opposition, or CHP, began to organize a primary presidential election to approve Imamoglu as his presidential candidate despite the arrest.
The party has also set up symbolic urns at the national level called Solidarity Boxes to allow people who are not party members to express their support for the mayor.
Honestly, we are embarrassed by the name of our legal system, the mayor of Ankara, Mansur Yavas, member of the CHP of Imamoglus, told journalists, criticizing the lack of confidentiality in the procedure.
We learned television experts on the allegations that even the lawyers did not have access, showing how motivated this test was motivated by political motivation, he said.
The mayors stop an escalation of government repression against opposition figures and dissident voices.
Before his detention, Imamoglu had already faced several criminal cases which could cause prison terms and a political ban. He also called on a conviction in 2022 for insulting members of the Supreme Turkeys Electoral Council.
Earlier in the week, a university canceled its diploma, citing alleged irregularities in its transfer from a private university in the north of Cyprus about 30 years ago. The decision effectively prevents him from presenting himself to the presidency, because the position requires that the candidates be university graduates. Imamoglu had promised to challenge the decision.
Imamoglu was elected mayor of the largest cities of Turkeys in March 2019, in a major blow to Erdogan and the Party of Justice and Development of Presidents, who had checked Istanbul for a quarter of a century. The Erdogan party prompted to cancel the results of the municipal elections in the city of 16 million, alleging irregularities.
The challenge led to a rehearsal of the elections a few months later, which Imamoglu also won.
The mayor retained his headquarters following local elections last year, during which the CHP produced important gains against the power party of Erdogans.
The demonstrators compete with the police
On Saturday, the clashes broke out between the police and the demonstrators in Istanbul on the fourth day of demonstrations after the detention of Imamoglus.
Police used peppery gas and tear gas to disperse the crowds and repel hundreds of demonstrators who launched enlightening rockets, stones and other objects in officers.
The Office of Governors of Istanbul announced that it extended the ban on demonstrations until March 26 and imposed restrictions on the entrance and exit of deemed vehicles transporting people likely to participate in illegal activities; protest.
Erdogan accuses the opposition of encouraging chaos
Erdogan addressed the demonstrations that participated across the country in the last four days, calling for the liberation of Imamoglus, in an Iftar the eaten meal to break quickly during the sacred Muslim month of the Ramadan speech.
The Turkish president accused the opposition of trying to create an atmosphere of tension and chaos.
I believe it is worth recalling once again that days go out on the street, to take left -wing organizations, extremists and vandals with you, and threatening the national will is now behind, said Erdogan.
The days when politics and justice have been led by the terror of the street are now completely something in the past, with old Turkey.
The largest wave of demonstrations in Türkiye in more than a decade
Other demonstrators gathered outside the office designated by Imamoglus of the town hall of Istanbul, where demonstrations have taken place daily since the arrest of the mayors.
The demonstrations mark the largest wave of demonstrations in Türkiye in more than a decade.
The demonstrations were largely peaceful, but a group of demonstrators, trying to unravel the barricades to reach the main place of Istanbuls, threw enlightening rockets, stones and other objects to the police.
The demonstrators say that the pepper spray was used against them, as well as water cannons, tear gas and that some police officers claimed rubber bullets.
Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said 343 suspects had been arrested on Friday evening during national demonstrations in major cities.
He also added that there will be no tolerance for those who seek to violate societal order, threaten the peace and security of peoples and continue chaos and provocation.
Sources 2/ https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/23/imamoglu-rejects-all-charges-in-second-day-of-interrogations-since-wednesday-detention The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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