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Trump attends the NCAA Division I Watch Championships with Elon Musk

Trump attends the NCAA Division I Watch Championships with Elon Musk



President Donald Trump was praised with massive cheers in Philadelphia on Saturday, when he attended the Division I Warning Championship of NCAA men.

The crowd got up and warmly applauded Trump as he entered the Wells Fargo arena and stood on the event for about a minute while waving for the spectators.

The ESPN diffuser even interrupted an interview with the national champion Carter Starocci to cut at the big entry of the presidents.

Trump was applauded by the crowd when entering. AP

As Trump sat down, the crowd chanted the United States, in the United States.

Later, Staroci would visit President Trump, shaking his hand and posing for photos with his freshly rewarded championship trophy.

Trump's press secretary Karoline Leavitt then published a photo on X of Trump giving Staroci an embrace of good humor in the arena under the head “the coolest. President. Ever ”.

Trump was accompanied by Doge Chief Elon Musk and the President of the Jim Jordan Chamber (R-Ohio) Chamber.

Jordan won the Title of Men's Wrestling for Division I of the NCAA twice as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was then deputy coach for the Ohio State University.

Two of the biggest sports stars were delighted that the president was present for their last match.

Elon Musk and the representative Jim Jordan joined the pleasure. AFP via Getty Images Carter Staroci du Penn State Nittany Lions celebrates a victory over Keckeisen Parker of the Northern Iowa Panthers during the male wrestling championship of division I which was held at Wells Fargo Center. Eric Hartline-Imagn Images that Trump poses with Carter Starocci by Penn State after the 5th historic victory of the wrestler. Twitter

Were going to make a good show for him. He presenting himself on Saturday evening, he came to watch some of the best struggles on earth, and was going to give him this, said Gable Steveson, heavy goods vehicle for the Minnesota Gophers, said on a press conference, the York Daily Record on Wednesday.

Penn States Staroci, who became the first national champion of division I on Saturday, was also pumped for the PREZ to be present.

I can't wait to be there, he told the newspaper on Wednesday. [President Trump] came to the national championships of my second year and it was really cool. He is obviously a big fan of combat sports, he is in all UFC events. It's good for our sport.

President Trump and senator Dave McCormick during the male wrestling championship I held at the Wells Fargo Center. Eric Hartline-Imagn Images Vince Robinson of the NC State Wolfpack celebrates a victory with his coaches during the male wrestling championship of division I held at Wells Fargo Center. Images Eric Hartline-Imagn

President Trump wanted to attend several high -level sporting events since the start of his mandate.

In February, Trump became the first president to practice attending the Super Bowl.

Later this month, the commander-in-chief attended Nascars Daytona 500.

Before being inaugurated, Trump attended the 125th Navy army football match with a cohort of political allies in December as well as the UFC 309, in November, where he sat on the edge of the ring for the festivities.




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